Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Free speech

Not surprisingly, Rosie O’mygoshisshedumb said something breathtakingly stupid yesterday. Rosie, The Keeper of all Knowledge, in defense of Don Imus, opined that corporations shouldn’t be allowed to squelch free speech by firing people who say kooky things. Hmm, maybe she was defending herself, not Imus. According to the wise one, if the vice president of Coca-Cola in charge of marketing begins touting Pepsi in speeches, Coke can’t fire the guy because it’s a violation of free speech. Or, if Coke is a sponsor of, oh let’s say, a morning talker that employs four vacuous, empty, stupid, dim witted kook fringe cackling hens who say one idiotic thing after another, Coke shouldn’t pull it’s advertising in the name of free speech protection.

FLASH, FLASH, FLASH to the Left’s Brainiest thinker. Our constitution, put together by true great thinkers, says: Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…” Where do we defer from that, that corporations shall never fire anyone who says stupid things on a daily basis? Corporations have an absolute obligation to their shareholders to fire stupid people and pull advertising from shows that risk corporate profit.

In other odd “free speech” news, there’s the DemoRATS who have adopted the rather peculiar and indefensible position that while they are willing to travel the world on US taxpayer dollars to have “free speech” with anti-US dictators, they aren’t willing to drive down Pennsylvania Ave to have free speech with their own president to settle war legislation. Further, top DemoRAT presidential candidates are squelching “free speech” by refusing to appear for a presidential debate on America’s number one cable news network because that network is perceived to be right leaning. Seems to me all the more reason for DemoRATS to show up. I can’t imagine a Republican presidential candidate saying they won’t go on CNN because of that network’s clear left leaning bias.

Last, the Rutgers women’s basketball team exercised their free speech rights by holding a press conference. Surprise, surprise, surprise they were offended by Don Imus’ remarks. Wow, who would have thought? What struck me about the pity session was how so many people let the words of guy they don’t even know scar them so deeply. As a white, male, Christian, conservative, I’ve been called a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigoted, Nazi, dope. I finally convinced Mom to lighten up – but anyone’s opinion of me outside mom, dad and few others has never had very much effect on me. How cool would it have been for the Rutgers team to show up at the presser and talk about their outstanding season and never mention Imus’ name? When someone finally asked, answer the question with a question of their own, Who’s Imus?

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