Monday, January 19, 2009

Support the dear leader

The local fish wrap ran this piece of enlightened "can’t we all just get along" crap. Lex sets them straight below.

Here’s a news flash to Brent Smith, the MSM, and the RNC, American politics isn’t T-ball. You do NOT have to root for both Sides.

Smith’s or the JG’s demand, as proclaimed in the headliner of today’s letter section, that “We must support” Obama is 180 degrees out of phase. Not only is there no requirement to support a president – any president no matter how historic – there’s an absolute obligation of the press the people and the opposition party to expose the weaknesses of presidential policy, offer different policies and when necessary oppose and block bad policies.

If you do not believe me, ask Harry Reid, the MSM nearly 100% of Democrats who claimed the surge a failure and the war lost while American fighting men were risking their lives in the field.

I do not support President Obama because:

I do not support abortion on demand for 15 year olds without parental notification or infanticide or the use of tax payer dollars for Mengele like research on stem cells.

I do not support having three or four unwashed union thugs watching how I vote on whether or not my shop should unionize.

I do not support treating Islamo-terror-fascists like petty criminals.

I do not support turning tail and running from a war nearly won.

I do not support having a tax cheat and liar running the US Treasury.

I do not support open borders, higher taxes or assaults on the second amendment and marriage.

The big danger with President Obama is not his policies. This country has been having policy disputes since 1776. The danger is that, because of the historic nature of President Obama’s election, we are all now expected to get in line like good communists and support our dear leader.

Paraphrasing WFB, I for one am willing to stand athwart history and yell “Stop!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before we start measuring Mt.Rushmore to put Barak beside Abraham Lincoln, and the US Mint launches a new billion $ coin with Old Abe on one side and BHO on the other, shouldn't he be sworn in first? Like driving by looking through the rearview mirror, Obama's campaign main focus for two years was lambasting a sitting president that could not run again. Barak's smokey-vague ideas, policy proposals, comments, etc, of those things he would do "On Day One" have now been pushed/moved/morphed to "sometime in the second term". The stammering, sputtering, and digressing began on November 5th 2008, and I am still hearing the beep-beep-beep of the truck blindly backing up. At the risk of immediately being shipped to a gulag, I must say he sounds like a weasel-wording, university-professor-lawyer-politican that will govern by watching the polls (ala Clinton).But "supporting the dear leader" is fashionable now. Like college co-eds awaiting the upcoming season of the "new" Vera Bradley Half-Black/Half-White Zebra Collection, (which can veiwed at where major credit cards are accepted),the general populace has gone to ZombiLand. They are ready to invest all their savings into Obama-Enron Ponsy Fund. But hey, that could lead to another trillion dollar bailout for our grandchildren to address. I am sure cave dwelling will be "fashionable" by then....but not as fashionable as the "new"...yes, new.. summer "Barak Collection of Dwarf Handbags" that is designed with the likeness of the dear leader on each small flap. The size of a pencil eraser it will hold all the families cash after the Reid-Pelosi-Barak Bailout Bill is enacted. And....with each purchase you will be automatically be registered for the all expenses paid one way trip to BeeeUUUTiFuLLL Pongyang, North Korea!! Join the locals at the dumpsters for dinner and lose 80% of your existing body wieght! And don't forget your New...yes new..Vera IV bags!! The Griffin.