Monday, July 19, 2010

Bad timeing for ANOTHER NAACP racist to surface

AAAHGGAAGHGA, I missed a post yesterday. What happened? Kidnapped by the Census Bureau? NO. I have a substantial backyard project going this summer that is nearing completion, so everything is happening at once. Monday, I had to pick up an Amish guy early and the rest is history.

But how about the racism at the NAACP? Could this news have surfaced at worse time? No. It couldn’t have. The @$$ clowns sit around listening to Revs? JJ, Al and J Wright without so much as a, “Hey, tone it down a bit.” Then some @$$ clown representative lies about racial slurs from the Tea Party and the NAACP is all offended. Too damn bad.  He's a liar and the NAACP is run by a bunch a fools.

Note the NAACP "leadership," get after the racist trash littering your own front yard before hassling some other group.

The newest controversy on Capitol Hill is about unemployment pay. P-BO took to the Rose Garden where, as he is prone to do, he told whooper after whooper. The Republicans are not trying to stop an extension of unemployment, doofus, they are trying to pay for it. Chief @44 clown talks straight faced about Republican deficits while ignoring the from here to what was the planet Pluto zeros he has tacked onto what ever it is he’s accusing the Republicans of doing.

But let’s ask this question if you have 10 weeks of unemployment, when do you begin looking for job? When do you begin to think seriously about taking anything available? Now do the math with 100 week of unemployment.

No the New Black Panther thing will not die either. Listen to Boob Schieffer explain that he didn’t ask Eric the wad Holder about the Black Panthers because the whistleblower story came to light “while he was on vacation.” He’s an idiot. The story came to light on election day 2008. It was further brought to light when the wad order the case dropped. And it hasn’t been a "big story" because Boob and 99% of the boob-bots in the MSM don’t want the truth known.

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