Friday, August 27, 2010

Left vows to put a stop to honor

Something big is going to happen tomorrow. Glenn Beck is holding his “Restoring Honor” rally at the Lincoln Memorial. “Restoring Honor,” I don’t see any controversy in any of that. The rally is billed as an apolitical call to Americans to return to faith, hope and charity as mean of correcting what Beck sees as America’s decline. A decline brought about by our faith in government over a faith in God, our ignorance of our own history, and the, “Pull up the ladder. I’m aboard,” mentality of too many political and financial leaders as well as individual Americans.

This is all pretty much what used to be considered boilerplate American rugged individualism, give me a hand up not a hand out type stuff. So why are the left and their MSM butt kissers in such a fit over Beck’s rally? I don’t get it. Racist race baiting riot organizing arson sponsoring excrement for brains Rev? Al has any one seen my congregation Sharpton has organized a counter rally. Huh? Counter rally to what? Countering what? Honor? Or restoring it?

Rev? Al and his race baiting chums are PO’d because Beck’s rally happens on the anniversary and at the place of the real Rev. MLK’s march on Washington where he delivered his “I have a dream speech.” Apparently, and according to Rev? has anybody seen any Jew interlopers Al, the Lincoln Memorial is off limits to whitey on Aug 28. Hmmm. Is that what MLK was saying? I missed the part of the speech where King said:

“I have a dream that from this day forward, no white man, irrespective of the content of his character, will be allowed to organize any a rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Aug 28.”

But the Rev? D-bag isn’t alone. All manner of lefty losers are lamenting the Beck rally. The rally is incorrectly being billed by some as a Tea Party event. One numbskull in England associated Beck’s yet to happen rally with Tea Partiers who shouted the n-word at John Lewis. One problem with that. Lewis is lying through his teeth or butt which ever he uses to express himself these days. No one shouted anything at him except “Stop the bill,” meaning the O-care bill. And the New – but really the same old – Black Panthers have vowed to show up to disrupt the rally.

So we’ve got Rev? Know-nothing holding a counter rally to honor. We’ve got the NBP vowing to disrupt the Restoring Honor rally, and we’ve got the lame streamers describing the event days before it ever happens as a racist event. When did Honor get such a bad name? And yet, they want us to believe that Beck is the bad guy in all of this.

I wonder how this crowd might have reacted to Jesus’ sermon on the Mount.

Headline from the NY Times: Radical hatemonger Jesus of Nazareth calls for peace and love

Lead on the CBS evening news: Rev? D-Bag of Looserville held a counter sermon on a nearby Mount to counter Jesus’ call for peace and love which Rev? D-Bag said was a thinly veiled display of intolerance

NBC news: Pontius Pilate’s New Roman Legions vow to disrupt Jesus’ sermon

ABC news: King Herod claimed that some in the crowd attending Jesus’ sermon shouted “Pharisee” at him 15 times.

MSNBC: Keith of Olberdouche named Jesus the “Worst Person in World” for his sermon.

NO! I’m not comparing Beck to Jesus. I’m pointing out the idiocy on the left. How do you come out against honor? How do you come out against free speech? Fools.

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