Sunday, January 16, 2011

Libs, like everyone else, ignore P-BO's advice

Ignoring P-BO’s urge for civility, overweigh, pasty-faced, Irish drunk, Chris Mathews let loose with this racial slur:

“…directed at the person of the president, whether it’s somebody – some cracker out there on the right calling him — some birther-type who says he’s not an American or someone more sophisticated but basically saying he’s a socialist.”

Now remember this is from a guy who himself has called for P-BO to show his long-form birth certificate. So I guess when you’re calling yourself “some cracker out there on the right” it is ok. Sort of like gangsta rappers being the only one’s allowed to use the N word, unless of course it is directed at a conservative black.

While he was on a roll Mathews called first in Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, “one f%^ked up ni^&er” and conservative writer Linda Chaves “one spicy spic dish” he’d like to try. Keep on keeping it classy Chris.

Another lefty not heeding the words of their fearless leader is AZ shooting victim, J. Eric Fuller. At a filming for the little watched ABC yak show “This Week”, Fuller threatened Republican Ariz. Rep. Terri Proud and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries by shouting, “You’re dead,” at them. Really! That’s not very civil J. Eric.

So the speech police came and arrested J. Eric and are giving him a psych eval. Once they discover that J. Eric is a committed Lib loon his psychosis will be explained and he will be released on the public like other left loons, the unibomber, Lee Harvey Oswald, the IRS plane bomber, the Discovery Channel hostage taker et al.

Another Lib loon not taking P-BO’s advice is unfunny man Bill Maher. Yeah the same guy who praised the bravery of the terrorist who flew planes into buildings and a field in PA is back in the news. The only time Maher surfaces is when he says something so stupid that right wing bloggers (like Lex) latch on to it and give him the exposure the stupid comments are designed to garner. That and when Billbo O’Really has him on in exchange for Maher letting Billbo on Maher’s show. (ASIDE: Anyone who lends legitimacy to Maher and Rev? Al interloper Sharpton probably should be taken as seriously those two. Right Billbo?)

Anyway Maher let loose with a number talking about the Tea Party, which he refers to as the hysterically unfunny and very civil term…you guessed it…teabaggers and their relationship to the Founding Fathers:

“They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.”

Very, very civil Mr. Maher. You are buying into the lib meme that ignores the mountains of evidence that says the FFs were indeed very religious men for the relative molehill of support that indicates they rejected religion in general and Christianity in particular. Even lib hero Thomas Jefferson, who was raised Protestant and was a self described deist AND follower of Jesus, proclaimed that the Bible was a good source for how man ought to conduct himself. That’s hardy BS Mr. Maher.

In his letter to the Danbury Baptist Church Jefferson made his famous “wall of separation between Church and State” comment that Lib fools like Maher now believe is to be found in the US Constitution somewhere. Scholars and historians are still looking for the letter where Jefferson - or any of the other FF for that matter - declares that the Bible is mostly bullshit. Maher believes that those letters are tucked away under Sarah Palin’s front porch.

The Lib dopes are castigating Rush Limbaugh for playing Eric Clapton’s “I Shot the Sheriff” in a provocative way on his radio program Fri. Huh? Well first it wasn’t Eric Clapton’s “I Shot the Sheriff.” It was well known white cracker comedian and satirist Paul Shanklin’s parody of “I Shot the Sheriff” titled “I’m Not a Sheriff” sung in the voice of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Very Funny. And even if it were, how does one play the song in a provocative way?

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