Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Pope Benidict's last day is tomorrow.  I predict the conclave of Catholic Cardinals will pick a Catholic male to replace him.  Damn racists.  Even NASCAR has let women in.  And what is so special a "Catholic" Pope?  Let's face it, Catholics, particularlly Catholic leaders, are a pretty rigid bunch.  Isn't it time for Catholics to bring in a popular forward thinking figure to be pope?  How about Billbo Billyboy Clinton?  That could be big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The libs in the U.S.have a real concern about someone working to aged 85. This could catch on and end the need for the entitlement state. You have to respect the commitment of the Pope. I heard once that when it comes to breakfast the chicken contributes (eggs) but the pig is committed (ham). There should be a big retirement party for the Pope. Then he can get back to work. At least as much as his body will allow him. The Griffin.