Dear Representative Stutzman,
I see where you supported HR 3547. Why? Did you read the 1,600 page bill? Or are you of the opinion that legislation should be passed so “we can find out what’s in it?” If you did not read it, why not? Did you learn anything about unread and unwieldy legislation from the ACA?
Paul Ryan’s bill attempts to bring a runaway budget under control by penalizing military retirees. Are there no other places in a trillion dollar budget to achieve a 6 billion dollar savings over ten years? Are there no duplicative government programs that that could be combined or eliminated to achieve these savings? Is there no fraud waste and abuse that can be eliminated for the savings? Are there no down right foolish and wasteful government programs that could be eliminated?
I understand that my government will continue to advertise for food stamp recipients in
As a retired military man, I’m happy to do my share. I consider it my duty to do my share. But it would seem “my share” is the only share. Why not cut every single federal pension in the same fashion as HR 3547 cuts military pensions? Why not cut welfare, unemployment, section 8 housing, food stamps etc. in the same fashion? Why does this burden of “sacrifice” fall solely on military retirees?
I’d like to think that I’m a typical 3rd District Republican voter. I know this because when I sent Senator Lugar a note telling him I’d never vote for him again, he was out. When I sent Mark Sauder a note telling him I’d never vote for him again, he was out, admittedly by his own hand but none-the-less out. My one vote means nothing to you, but I think I’m representative of a whole bunch of votes in this district.
"Irresponsible” is the one word descriptor for your vote in favor of this monstrosity.
From the Griffin....
These guys could not negotiate straight road through a school zone. Like sending John Kerry-The Liar Incompetent-to work out a deal with Iran. They get nukes and we get to fund it.
I plagiarized without remorse, and sent this to my own congressperson.
AF Bro
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