Thursday, May 15, 2014

#Neanderthals, #Jail break, #Hashtags, #Brain dead Shrilldabeast

Lex is a Neanderthal
I support traditional marriage.  Not because I hate a group of people but rather because I believe in the silly line of logic of 5,000 years of history and natural law.  I know that that is thin gruel when it bumps up against an oh so tolerant leftist who relies on emotionalism and name calling to get his way.  That said, do I care if some judge marries Bruce and Harlan?  No.  I don’t.  Do I care if they get a tax break?  No.  I don’t.  I do not care about any of it up to the point that the homo fascists demand I accept the arrangement.  Do I?  No.  I don’t.

That’s not even what the homo fascists are up to though.  Not only do they demand that I accept the arrangement but I must celebrate it as well - as when Michael Sam slobbers all over his boy friend in the middle of sports show.  I don’t.  Even indifference is now declared homophobia by the homo fascist.  Chose not to bake a cake – you're a homophobe.  Be an NFL player and chose to tweet something – anything – not 100% supportive of Sam’s slobbering embrace and you’ll be fined and sent to re-education camp.  What the Miami Dolphins did to Don Jones for a tweeting about Sam’s love scene on ESPN is blatant homo fascism.  You’d better get your mind right or you’ll lose your job and be sent off to re-education camp.    

King SFB and Saddam Hussein birds of a feather
Like Saddam Hussein, King SFB is empting the jails prior to his inevitable departure.  First he grants clemency to drug offenders.  Then he turns 36,000 illegal alien criminals (yes redundant in that being an illegal alien means you're a criminal) loose on the American people.  Just before the Iraq invasion of 2003 Saddam Hussein emptied the jails in Iraq.  Lapdog MSM and Dopes yawn.  We hope that they and their families will be the primary victims of the inevitable crime wave that is bound to ensue.  Sadly, that will not be the case.

#Hashtag diplomacy
Queen Sad Sac had her picture taken with a sign #Bring our girls back.  That reminds of a little kid posting pictures of his lost dog on mailboxes.  It’s what you expect from helpless little kids.

Is hashtagging a bad or #worthless effort?  No it’s not - unless you’re an official of the most powerful country on Earth, or #former most powerful.  Hashtagging shows just how much you care, #love me, #I care, B/C #I hashtag.  If you’re a high school hippster tweeting about the football team #champions, great.  But when Putin annexes Crimea #Soviet Union, better to move troops, #meaningful response, than have some State Dep ditz hashtagging faux #outrage.  Putin laughed, #they’re weak.  Grown ups shook their heads at a feckless government response #beneath useless.

So there’s Queen Sad Sac hashtagging Islamo-Terror-Fascist to stop being Islamo-Terror-Fascists, #idiot.  Better for Queen Sad Sac to hashtag the truth, #My husband is brainless, ball less, affirmative action pass through who doesn’t have a clue how to use American power, so please bring our girls back.

Besides, I happen to know that Queen Sad Sac’s hashtag was just for show.  How do I know?  If she REALLY cared, if she REALLY wanted to scare the pants off those Islamo-Terror-Fascists she would have used all capital letters in bold.  Then they would have known that she REALLY, REALLY MEANT BUSINNESS, #I’m really mad now.
Rove says Shrilldabeast brain damaged
The good news is that Rove stipulates that the Beast in fact has a brain.  But seriously, what difference at this point does it make how damaged that brain is?

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