Monday, August 04, 2014

Classlessness for the Dopes in Caligula is the norm

A couple of things happened Friday that have me PO’d.  First little brown scumbag Loooy Gutierrez said that Republicans hate Hispanic children.  This little walking excrement stick is a brown Al Not-So-SHARPton sans the Jerri Curl, velour jumpsuit, bullhorn and with none of Al’s class.  Like an Islamo-Terror-Fascist, Loooy will say stupid and outrageous things in English but saves his most vile lies for his native tongue.   So while if you want to know what Loooy really thinks about you, you need to lean Spanish.  The way things are going, English is bound to become a second language in America so you might as well learn Spanish now. 

Loooy is the racist douche bag in this scenario.  Loooy doesn’t want anyone coming into this country unless they look like him.  According to Loooy, eff the Asians.  They just suck up all the affirmative action quotas at universities.  Eff the Africans.  Who needs them?  There’ll be less welfare for Hispanics.  Eff the Indians and Pakistanis.  Who needs engineers and convenient store operators?   Eff anyone who isn’t brown like Loooy and can just wander across the southern border illegally.  Loooy Gutierrez is a racist dumbazz.

Speaking of dumbazzes, Queen Dumbazz herself Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser chased Rep Tom Marion down while he was speaking on the floor of the House.  What was Marino’s crime that got Dopes chief house maid in an uproar?  He spoke an absolute truism.  He said that Dopes didn’t do squat on immigration when they held the house, senate, and White House.  That’s when Peloser rushed Marino and called him a liar and insignificant.  Marino’s response was classic cool, “Apparently I hit the right nerve.”   

Dennis Miller called Peloser a “shrieking harridan magpie.”  I had to look harridan up. 

Harridan:  noun a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew

What, nothing about being the world’s biggest a dumbazz?  More modifiers are need to differentiate Peloser from Queen Moochel, the Shrilldabeast, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and 99.99998% of the other scolding, vicious women who are hags and shrews that populate the female side of the Dope party.

What really has me PO’d about these incidents is not that they occurred. Being classless azzwipes is the norm for Dopes elected to high office.  Look at the chief classless azzwipe -  King SFB.  Case closed.  I expect them to be classless azzwipes like SFB and Harry the roach Reid.  If their lips are moving I know they’re lying.  What frosts me is the RepubliRAT reaction to this kind of over the top BS -  which is to say there is no reaction. 

OJ Boehner or any RepubliRat in a leadership position ever takes to the mic to scold these lying Sac-O-Crap BS artists.  There is never a penalty for acting like a classless azzwipe.  So Dopes are forever pulling their classless azzwipe antics.  If someone would just call them on it once in a while they might consider there is cost for acting like a classless azzwipe.  Right now, under eunuch OJ’s leadership, there are no worries that anyone in the RepubliRAT Party will ever stand up to the Dopes.


Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
I wonder if Looney Gutierrez is in on where the illegal alien children are sent? I see some were sent to Alaska! YGBSM! How many of these are used 20 feet of snow per year and ice fishing? Some were sent to barrios in Hawaii? Do they have barrios there and does anyone think there will ever be sent back? How many will be sent to states with close senate races? And King SFB will not thank the citizens, praise their generosity. He will insist as these kids are bussed in at midnight to Fort Wayne and Groveport, Ohio, that anyone that makes a peep is a racist Nazi. he is walking on very thin ice. He is very close to causing big upheavals with the citizens. It may be more than he can handle.

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
I wonder if Looney Gutierrez is in on where the illegal alien children are sent? I see some were sent to Alaska! YGBSM! How many of these are used 20 feet of snow per year and ice fishing? Some were sent to barrios in Hawaii? Do they have barrios there and does anyone think there will ever be sent back? How many will be sent to states with close senate races? And King SFB will not thank the citizens, praise their generosity. He will insist as these kids are bussed in at midnight to Fort Wayne and Groveport, Ohio, that anyone that makes a peep is a racist Nazi. he is walking on very thin ice. He is very close to causing big upheavals with the citizens. It may be more than he can handle.