Monday, August 25, 2014

Things to ponder

Ponder this
The Left Libs think that…no wait.  Left Libs don’t think.  Make that:  The Left Lib emotional reaction to Ferguson, MO is to blame it on the cops’ war on black men.  They site statistics that black men are far more likely to have run ins with law enforcement - be stopped, arrested and incarcerated – as proof positive that the cops have it out for black men.

Using the same statistics to point out to the Left Lib race baiting crowd that black men commit crime at a much higher rate than white, Hispanic and Asian men is like trying to teach a dog to play rag-time on a piano.  Because the dog's paws can’t reach the piano pedals, everyone just gets frustrated with the process.

But maybe we should try turning the tables on our Left Lib airhead friends by agreeing with them.  Then when they’ve accepted that we’ve accepted their boneheaded theory we take that theory one step further.  We tell them that not only do the cops have it out for black men, because statistically the cops arrest far more men in general than women, the cops have it out for men in general.  What this country really needs to do to balance the scale is for the cops to arrest more women or let more men go.

When you see the Left lib’s head tilt like the RCA dog at that idea, you’ve got him.  If the arrest statistic of black males is, in and of itself, proof of biased policing, then clearly the statistic of the number of males arrested compared to women proves that the cops are far more biased against men in general than in black men in particular.  Tell your lefty Lib friend, “Who is it the cops are always gunning down?  It’s men that’s who.  Until the cops either start to shoot women at the same rate as men or stop shooting men there will be no peace.” 

How sad is it given the cops’ war on men that we are not marching in the streets demanding justice?

Then we complain that of white men not being arrested, Mormons and Amish men are some kind of protected subset inside an already protected class – and, and, AND that statistically, white men in commas are hardly ever in trouble with the cops.  What’s up with that?  It’s racism, pure and simple.  

The title of “leader” for Rev? Al should be enough to make every informed American cringe.  For black Americans it should be an absolute embarrassment.  First, it should be an embarrassment for the reason Dr. Thomas Sowell pointed out not long ago:  What other racial community has self-appointed “leaders?”  Who is the Hispanic or Asian “leader?”  I cannot think of a single one.  Why is it that the black community is the only racial community represented by “leaders?’ 

Let me take a stab at Dr. Sowell’s question.  The black community has leaders because the Dopes don’t want to deal with black people.  The Dopes just want to deal with Revs? Jesse and Al.  It’s far easier to pay off two race-baiting, race-hustling charlatans to get the black vote out for the Dopes than to actually improve the lot of blacks through education, jobs and personal responsibility.

Second it pre-supposes blacks can be led by any race-baiting pied piper to vote for the Dopes as long as the Dopes promise to pour just enough money into the black community to keep fatherless black homes afloat, while the pied pipers live like royalty.

Sadly, so far the Dopes have been proven to be correct.  The black community is the most monolithic vote in America for the last 40 but it has not one thing to show for its loyalty to Dope party.

In the minds of many race hustling black “leaders,” Darren Wilson is guilty for being a white police officer.

A Dope congressman is promising trouble in the streets if there isn’t justice in Ferguson.  By justice he, no doubt, means the arrest, trial and conviction of white police officer Darren Wilson.  Anything less, according to Rep. Clay, is not justice.  The statement alone is enough to demonstrate that the last thing Clay is interested in is “justice.”  He’ interested in a lynching to assuage the hurt feelings of the black community.
In that sense these leaders are no better than the leadership found in Hamas, ISIS, al Qaeda etc.  The problem with these radicals is ALWAYS with someone else.  The reason Muslims in Gaza are living like it’s the 12th century isn’t because their leadership think as if it’s the 12th century, it’s because the Jews and West have stolen everything from them.  According to the race hustlers, the reason the welfare state is a bare subsistent living isn’t because of education, drugs, gangs, out of wedlock babies, absent fathers and welfare itself.  It’s because of racism.  Asians and Hispanics can make it, but racism makes it impossible for the black ghetto kids to break the cycle of despair.  It’s all BS.  Voting Dope in lockstep is why the black ghetto cannot break the cycle despair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
As we see our cops dressed in full battle gear and hunkered down in combat vehicles, the idiots at the WH are pondering how our cops got this equipment. Well, they gave it to them with a one page check list on how to assemble and use. Again, the feds created a problem, rushed to feign disgust and outrage, then blamed each other. Several recent articles detail how those with delinquent college school loans are being visited by Dept of Education personnel and accompanied by local SWAT teams. TES and the wild eyed libs beg people to take college loans then send the collectors to bust knee caps for repayment. We used to call that loan sharking. Now it is the state handing out the free drugs, getting people hooked, then taking their possessions. Reference lending institutions in 2009 that were forced to take loans, sued by the feds, then forced to pay it back with interest and penalties, while being lambasted by rising young felons in the Occupy Crowd, which were supported by the same wild eyed libs that demanded banks give loans people with no jobs or hope of repayment. The state has taken over. Providing enough crumbs to hook people on the benevolence of govt, then send in the MRAP's to protect liquor stores. The lib feds, decrying helping the poor, have sent the poor into failure, then send in Barney from Mayberry in a Stryker combat group and 20 minutes of training. What could go wrong? As usual, do gooder feds create the problem, blame it others, and make it worse.