Well that was a good old fashion azz whippin'. Here's what's up.
I watched TMC's Bob Hope special flipping in occasionally to see the 3rd stringers at NSNBC flip out. I watched Rev? AL NotSoSharp-ton talk for about 2 minutes and say absolutely nothing. It was a wandering diatribe that made less sense than putting floatation devises on an airliner. When has that ever worked out? The 747 is nosing into the Pacific at Mach 4 and you think, "I'd better get that flotation devise ready."
I saw Lying Larry Lawrence O'Donnell reporting from Greg Orman's HQ in KS where he was , no doubt, anticipating Pat Roberts to get beat like a drum. When that failed to happen, Leepin' Lyin' Larry melted down like that Nazi's face in Raiders of the Lost Arch.
Smug man chick Rachel Madcow couldn't hide her desperation behind her smart girl glasses and was reduced to finding joy in Scott Brown's loss - which was within the margin of fraud.
It was funny to hear Dopes claim that the election was the result of an "anti-incumbent wave." Huh? If the only incumbents who are losing are Dopes, wouldn't that be a Republican wave?
Here's the sad thing. The Empty Suit will learn NOTHING from this. He's a small minded, vengeful, petulant little brat. His miserable hectoring wife is worse than he is. Right now he's calculating ways to punish the American people for embarrassing him. Remember this is the creepy little SOB that closed the White House and Caligula D.C. open air memorials to punish us. I guarantee he and the angry hag he married were up all night looking for ways they can get back at us.
So now it's up to Mitch McConnell and OJ Boehner to get things done. I'd start with Keystone. Move to repeal Robertscare in whole or piece by piece.
s stand at plus 7 right now. By the time of the LA run off and the tiem the last fishing trawler arrives from the farthest Allusion IS in Alaske it'll be plus 9.
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