Sunday, January 18, 2015

Assimilation BS

The Empty Suit thinks that Europe needs “to do a better job assimilating Muslims.”  I myself am a simple dumbazz, but even I know that the onus of assimilation is pretty much on the one who wants to join the club.  Smart people do not join the campus Christians and then start lambasting them because they refuse to elect a homosexual atheist president of the club.  It is incumbent on the homosexual atheist to conform to the norms of the group he wants join – not vice versa.

Given what we know about the lying, lunatic, homosexual hating, misogynist, anti-Semitic, Christian hating, bomb throwing, head hacking, murdering double d-bags that ARE the face of 21st century Islam it is pretty clear to anyone with a brain that THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSIMILATED.  They expect, nay demand that we assimilate to their way of thinking. 

Letting a group of psychopathic hate mongering azzweasels like the face of Islam to migrate freely into your country is a kin to a dad bringing home a full sized crocodile as a family pet.  The family can pretend that the croc is cute.  They can pretend that the croc is cool.  They can pretend that with love and understanding the croc will normalize into a family routine.  They can pretend all of that BS right up to the point that the croc eats the family dog and one of the kids. 

The face of Islam is like the croc.  It’s prehistoric.  It’s a killing machine.  It cannot be reasoned or negotiated with.  It cannot be “educated.”  It cannot be integrated.  The only defense for most people is to hope society is smart enough to segregate the deadly crocs from the rest of society as whole or to kill it if and when confronted.

Sadly, to prove that they are soooo much better and smarter than we are, the swells running Europe and the US have invited the croc into our home.  Now, after devouring, three family pets and a couple of the kids, the swells are telling us we need to do more to welcome the croc into our home.  Try sleeping with it they advise us.

Now, it would surprise none of the two or three regular readers of this page if I called TES an idiot for suggesting that it’s Europe’s fault that they get their azzes blown up every now and then for not better integrating the Islamo-Terror-Fascists they invited into their midst.  That is total BS.  THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSIMILATED.
But when TES tells Europe they should be more like the US with regard to assimilatinging the ITF, you just wish someone would punch the smarmy know-nothing little p*ick in the face.  Uh, hello!  TES!  The World Trade Center times 2, the Pentagon, Shankesville, Ft. Hood, OK City, Boston etc. etc.  Given the relative numbers of Muslims in the US and Muslims in Europe, one could argue, using deaths to ITF ratio as a metric, that Europe is doing a much better job with their ITF than we are with ours.  But how could one expect a narcissistic jumbo bag of BS to recognize that?

Michael Moore
Michael Moore calling anyone a coward is strange.  That would be like Moore calling someone a fat loser.  Moore is a microcosm of America though.  So few understand the nature of war or what is at stake.  TV and the movies take a lot out of the true nature of war.  When you see people with instant and flawless communications and near perfect intelligence a la 24, Mission Impossible and 100 others coupled with weapons that do all manner of things to sterilize war, it's no wonder people do not understand the complexity of war.  Moore's BS about a sniper is just the latest manifestation of the super comm/intel/weapon paradigm.  

Archers were thought to be cowards because they did not "close with and destroy" his enemy in hand to hand combat. With the advent of indirect fire, artillerymen faced the same charge.  Hand to hand combat in a built up area is about the only face to face killing left on the modern battlefield.  I guess by Moore's standard being shot in the face with 9mm is a much better way to die than a sniper's bullet in the back, or an artillery or mortar round, or a bomb from the sky or 10,000 other ways to be killed on the modern battlefield.

Moore's an idiot along the line of Bill Maher when he called America pilot cowards and called the Islamo-terror-Fascists that flew airplanes into buildings the guys with real courage.  Moor is a washed up fat azz looking to say the most shocking thing possible to get attention.  Sadly it works.  

The only way to get back at the fat azz is to go see the movie and push it to new records.

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