The worst half of the Ditz Sisters over
at State - batcrap crazy loon and what passes for a military expert in The
Empty Suit’s administration - Marie Harf told pasty-faced pudgy softball Chrissy Matthews, “we cannot win this war by killing them [ISIS], we cannot
kill our way out of this war.” YGBSM! Do the Islamo-Terror-Fascists know that? It would appear that they are willing to kill
their way to a world-wide caliphate. It
seems that they are gaining ground with that strategy. Maybe we should at least consider killing the
ITF in sufficient numbers to halt their advance.
Maybe we should consider a leadership
role that puts boots on the ground with rules of engagement that allows them to
quickly and efficiently role up the ITF before American traitors like Harry the
roach Reid and other Dope traitorous bastards declare the war lost and
otherwise undermine America’s forces in the field. Not only kill them but kill them quickly. Killing the enemy by the bushel basket load has
a way of bringing hostilities to a close in your advantage. But why would a dumbazz who relies on a pair
of glasses, rather than cogent thought, to give her intellectual credibility
understand that killing the enemy in a war is in fact a way out of that war.
Then this vacuous idiot went on to
claim we needed to create jobs and economic opportunities for the jihadis to
stop the ITF. She needs to be slapped
silly. We cannot get our own economy
rolling and 92 million of our own people aren’t working – but surprisingly not
slicing people’s heads off. The only
thing missing from this brain-dead cyborg’s dissertation was, “We need to,
like, you know, get some #hashtags going.
Like, you know, like #getajob.
Like, you know, like, #can’twealljustgetalong. If we got the hashtags going and did
something like, you know, maybe wore, like a ribbon – you know, like maybe,
like, a half green, like for Muslims and a half white for like everyone else,
that would, like, you know, let them know we can’t and won’t, like, you know, kill
This crazy stupid woman works for
another crazy stupid woman who works for America’s last Cambodian War hero John
Francois Kerry who is himself a lying pant load. Ah, why all vitriol? What could go wrong with these three stooges
running the State Department?
OBAMNESTY is on holdA TX federal judge stayed The Empty Suit’s lawless amnesty order. That allows DHS to do their job until the case is heard. Many are talking about the judge’s ruling letting Mitch McConnell off the hook for defunding that portion of the DHS that deals with OBAMNESTY. That would be a bad move. We all recall how Robertscare came to pass. McConnell should suspend the filibuster rules to pass the house budget version to put it on TES’s desk. Then immediately reinstate the normal Senate rules.
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