Friday, March 13, 2015

Admen bravely target Catholics, pope issues fatwa

Fashion label Rosso di Sera is displaying this image on a giant billboard in Naples.  Pope Francis has issued a fatwa on Rosso…no he hasn’t.  Sorry, wrong religion.  I’m wondering if the cutting edge ad men who came up with this idea would consider the same ad exchanging the nun’s habit for an Arab hijab and changing the rosary out for a koran?  Something tells me the brave, brave men who came up with idea of the nun would wet themselves were they to be associated with a bare breasted Arab woman holding a koran.  They are, of course, cowards and high paid bullies of the highest order.  Pope Francis will probably smile, do a pope “cross” in the air toward the poster, forgive and drive on when he visits Naples later.

But in the big scheme of things where the chief executive of the United States is shredding the US Constitution unencumbered by an “opposition party” that just won a landslide election this really does not concern me much.  We are being overrun by an army of uneducated, unskilled, low-wage criminals and the government not only does nothing to stop it but actually encourages the activity.  The race baiting azzbags from The Empty Suit on down encourage disruption in Ferguson, MO to the point where the race baiters have destroyed the economic base of the city.  Iranians are now running the show in Iraq with the blessing of TES and the Dopes - again with no “opposition” from Republi-RATS. 
Hard times Mr. & Mrs. America.
Top tier candidates
Here are Lex’s early top tier of the plethora of Republicans out there.  The main consideration here are people who will actually take the fight to the Dopes.  No more Mitt Romney Mr. Niceguy.  The 2016 candidate has to hit back when the inevitable Harry the roach Reid type lies start flying.  When that inevitability occurs our candidate needs to tell the roach straight up to go to hell.  Here they are in the order of preference.  All would be totally acceptable but Walker has the leg up as a governor and lack of a college degree.   
Scott Walker
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're in sync with Hillsdale's Imprimis, February 2015 • Volume 44, Number 2, Practical Thoughts on Immigration. Check it out. Sums it up well, but, sadly, also makes clear that our goose is pretty well cooked. Hard to walk the whole thing backwards. If I was 25 I'd move to Switzerland.
