Monday, March 23, 2015

Terrorize the terrorists

ISIS is targeting 100 US military personnel.  ISIS apparently ID’d the military from information located on line.  The wannabe go along get along why can’t we be friends crap weasels at the Pentagon responded not by warning ISIS that they will hunted down and killed like rabid dogs or worse.  No.  The wannabes do not deal in plain language.  Instead they told military members to wipe their digital footprints from the Internet.  That cyber advice amounts to telling the nation’s warfighters to go hide under the digital bed.

So if ISIS next warns us that they are going to target people at voting places, will the pu**ies at the pentagon tell us we shouldn’t vote?  It seems to me if your response is to just cease any activity the 12th century azzbags use for targeting, the Pentagon ought to cease being the center of the nation’s warfighting strategy and preparation and be transformed into the center for a PC I’m OK you’re OK prayer rug, koran and hala meal distribution.

Seems to me the Pentagon ought to consider a requirement for all US service members to establish a digital footprint if they have not already done so.   They should warn service members and families to arm themselves and smoke these bastards out and kill them. 

Now when your family is threatened, the equation changes a bit.  So maybe we should rethink military recruiting and benefits.  Maybe single members should receive benefits for remaining single.  Crazy I know.  How could you ever get a force of fighting men 18-26 years old with no wives or children?  I don’t know either, but something tells me that is exactly what you’d want for a force of immediately deployable trained killers.

The PC in us will never allow us to establish a fighting force or even a cadre within the fighting force that is 100% committed to killing the enemy in a no holds barred confrontation with godless ISIS $h!theads.  ISIS are the guys that should be $h!tting themselves worrying about such a cadre of dedicated men dropping in on them unannounced, not vice versa.
The world is upside down.  ISIS runs amok while the Pentagon warns our warfighters to restrict their 1st Amendment rights and instead of killing the bastards threatening the force tells our men to hide under the digital bedsheets.

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