Wednesday, December 27, 2017

And Lex's Man of the Year is...

If the “me too” crowd is indeed the “person of the year,” as Time Magazine proclaims, this is what the cover should look like.

Barring that, Lex’s man of the year, for three minutes anyway, was Steelers player Alehandro Villanueva.  You may recall Villanueva bucked his protesting Steeler teammates and came out of the tunnel to stand for the National Anthem. But then Villanueva backtracked and apologized to his BS teammates for doing the right thing.

Too bad.  You could have been somebody. For three minutes you were.  Then you slunk back to the safety of the crowd.

So the award goes to Connor Brewer ofMilikin University who stood alone for the Anthem and did not apologize for it.  Way to go Connor. You da’ man.

PDJT is the easy low-hanging fruit for Man of the Year.  Nobody came close for dominating the daily news cycle.  No one came close for the sheer disability and mental anguish he caused in all of the right people. In that regard, 2017 was great year. 

Why 2017 was great year?  Well, Jorge Ramos and all like-minded #NEVERTRUMPERS are having the worst times of their lives.  That sort of makes the rather long list of PDJT’s idiosyncrasies all worthwhile.

See ya next year! Happy New Year to all.

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