Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The whiners are lining up to oppose tax reform

Vote Roy Moore
The MSM and Caligula, D.C. ruling class uni-party establishment elite a-holes all hate Roy Moore.  I hate the MSM and Caligula, D.C. ruling class uni-party establishment elite a-holes.  Vote for Roy Moore.

Whiners lining up to oppose proposed tax bill
The local fish wrap published a letter to the editor signed by CEOs of several charities whining about the loss of deductibility of charitable contributions in the proposed tax bill. That letter can be found here.  Here's Lex's response:

Re: Charities likely to be hurt by tax bill Dec 10, 2017

Talk about crying before you're bitten.  The signatories of the referenced letter, warning of doom and gloom for charitable giving due to the proposed tax bill, are howling before the pup is even weened.

An alternative to the notion that people will be less likely to make charitable contributions, if the contribution is not tax deductible, is that people will be far more likely to contribute when they have a few extra bucks in their pocket. 

The idea that “95% of Americans will be taxed on their donations to charities” is misleading.  First, the new tax code will not tax charitable donations.  The new code, same as the old code, will tax income. There is no provision for an additional tax on charitable donations.

Under the current code, to deduct a charitable contribution the taxpayer must itemize their deductions.  Only about 30% of Americans take advantage of itemized deductions. So for 70% of Americans the proposed tax law doubles the standard deductions that they rely on when filing their taxes, but changes nothing with regard to charitable donations.

I can tell you this, I no more want my tax dollars going to subsidize a “charitable” donation to such odious organizations as Planned Parenthood or the Southern Poverty Law Center than a committed leftist would want to subsidize my contribution to the NRA (which is NOT eligible for tax deductions under current law but does serve to make the point).

While we’re at it, I don’t care for my tax dollars going to subsidize the taxes in high tax states, all run by Democrats.  Axing the deduction for state and local taxes is the fair way to go.  If Liberals want onerous state taxes, fine, pay ‘em, and enjoy the benefits of the nanny state.  Just leave the rest of us out of it.

The strange case of Keaton Jones
I’m always suspicious when a viral video pops up on the Internet followed by a go fund me page.  What parent puts this stuff on the Internet?  I’d be in the principal’s office finding out who was doing it, and calling their dads with a message, “Knock it off or we settle this with pistols at 20 paces.”  (Too damn old to get beat up these days.  I'd rather just be shot than take a beating.)  

If I came crying to my dad, he probably would have blamed the whole thing on me.  “Suck it up.  Go pick ‘em off one at time.  They won’t be so brave one on one, but don’t come whining to me.”  That was a different age. 

As he used to tell us, “We used give the fat kid the nickname, fatty.  He knew he was fat.  We knew he was fat.  What’s the big deal?”  But these guys suffered through the depression and won WWII.  They probably had more important things to worry about than hurt feelings.  As the old man used to tell us, “If you want sympathy, you’ll find it between $h!t and syphilis in the dictionary.” Like I said, it was a different age.

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