Thursday, September 20, 2018

Let the Dopes keep talking about Kavanaugh

I’m beginning to think that, as is often the case, the Dopes are overplaying a weak hand with regard to the Kavanaugh sex assault case.  The Dopes and their MSM butt kissers have convicted Kavanaugh on the basis of a story told by a creepy Dr. babe who cannot recall when or where said “assault” occurred and, for now anyway, refuses to testify on her own behalf.

Think that one through Mr. & Mrs. America.  All it takes for the Dopes to throw you, your son, your husband, your brother, your boyfriend in jail is for some creepy Dr. babe to make a 37 year old unsubstantiated accusation.  That scenario might play well with the tattooed unbathed Triggly Puff girls wearing vagina hats and majoring in Gender Bender Studies – and failing - at the local junior college, but how does that scenario play with mothers and daughters who have men in their lives whose lives they do not want to see ruined by creepy Dr. babes making 37 year old unsubstantiated accusations? 

My guess is that it does not play well. My guess is that there are far more mothers and daughters concerned about the men in lives being railroaded by a creepy Dr. babe than there are junior college Triggly Puff losers.

Also consider how the Dopes keep moving the goal posts on this thing.  They started out demanding that the creepy Dr. babe get a hearing.  Republicans said, okay.  Now the FBI needs to conduct a Nifong Mueller type unending investigation before the creepy Dr. babe will come forward.

Americans have a pretty keen sense of fair-play.  Any honest appraisal of this BS is that it’s…well BS.  Here’s why:

Dopes sat on the information for 7 weeks springing it in the 13th hour of the confirmation process for purely political purposes.

The allegation is 37 years old.  Where were you 37 years ago?  Who were you hanging out with?  What were you doing on a particular weekend?

The creepy Dr. babe cannot recall when or where the “assault” occurred.

Junieta Broderick can recall every detail of when Billbo Billyboy Clinton raped her.    

Of the 4 named people in the allegation, 3 of them have denied the accusation.

The creepy Dr. babe insists that she never told anyone of the “assault” prior to 2012 when it came out in a therapy session.

Most victims confide in someone contemporaneously soon after such a traumatic experience.    

The Republicans are treating the creepy Dr. babe with extreme deference for obvious reasons.  I won’t.  I think she’s liar and Dope political hack.

My guess right now is that the Dopes are going to force her to show up Monday and continue the lie.  If she doesn’t show.  The hearing should be cancelled.  Kavanaugh should not be forced into another round of Dope grandstanding defending himself against baseless BS charges. Instead Kavanaugh should hold a press conference where he reads a statement, thanks the press then walks off without answering a single question.  It’d drive them nuts. I know, short drive.   

Today’s JG rant
Exception to the rule II

Re David Sorg’s letter, “Exception to the rule” of Sep 20, 2018

Will Rogers said: “I never met a man I didn’t like.”  Rogers never met sourpuss loser Democrats after they got curb stomped by a political novice in the most winnable election in American history.

Exception to the rule
President Harry Truman said: “The presidency will make a man out of any boy.” It seems we have found the exception.
David Sorg
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Exception comment by David Sorg must be referencing the weight lifting, bike riding, still pot smoking Barak Obama.
The Dems have strongly damaged women that have or will be sexually assaulted. Women in general should be livid with Fienstein, Gillibrand, Schumer, Ford, Hirono, and others. I am speaking out and doing the right thing as the sexist witch Hirono demanded of all people with a Y chromosome. Senators with demonstrated gender bias should resign.