Friday, September 21, 2018

The crapweasel show must go on azzbag senators will not give up their must see TV time

I’ve been ordered to court twice – common traffic violations - speed – no, make that – excessive speed - nothing as cool as accusing someone of sex assault. 

I foolishly just showed up and took my lumps.  It never occurred to me to try to negotiate my appearance with the court as in:  I’ll only show up on a Thursday when the citing officer is on vacation out of the country, before a judge who is under indictment for excessive speed and the court provides a buffet lunch catered by Applebee’s.

The creepy Dr. babe is now in the process of negotiating the terms under which she will come forward and make public her lies about Judge Kavanaugh.  Apparently there’s no way she can make it on Monday, yoga, a hot wax appointment and wash day preclude that from being a possibility.  No lawyers will be allowed to question her.  Hmm a rather large portion of senators also have law degrees.  So will they have to sit the hearing out?  Kavanaugh will not be allowed to be present during her questioning.  I thought one of the bedrocks of US jurisprudence was the right of the accused to confront the accuser.  Oddly, nearly every talking head seems to think this is a reasonable request.  I don’t.  She should have to look him in the eye.  Last the accuser wants the accused to testify first. I don’t think that’s how it works.  In fact it stands normal court procedure on its head.  I think the accusations are made first and then the defendant offers his defense. 

The short answer to all of this BS is: F-you.  The hearing starts at 10 am on Monday September 24, 2018.  You will be given the opportunity to offer your testimony and be questioned first.  If you fail to show, the committee will vote on Judge Kavanaugh at 1 pm Monday September 24, 2018.

Of course there is no shadow that Republicans are not terrified of.  That said, a woman who cannot get her story straight on a 37 year old sex assault charge ranks pretty close to top of the list of shadows that terrify Republicans.  So they will bend over backward to accommodate the creepy Dr. babe.  They will look like weaklings in doing so, but nothing they do to accommodate the creep will be enough to stave off charges of sexism and cover up from the left – so just get on with it.

If the creepy Dr. babe does show, I’d recommend that only one Republican senator question her.  That senator should be Lindsey Grahmensty – the closest thing the Republicans have to a woman on the committee.

File that one under fat chance.  The idea that any preening azzbag senator is going to give up his 5 minutes of fame in front of a nationwide must see TV audience is as crazy as Michael Moore passing up the dessert bar at Sunday brunch.

They will all drone on and on talking about the courage the creepy Dr. babe has displayed.  How much courage does it take to level 37 year old unprovable charges at the 13th hour against a highly respected man ready to assume a seat on the Supreme Court?  Seems to me it takes no more courage than making an anti-Trump speech at the Oscars.  That’s zero courage.  It takes more courage to order Rocky Road instead of the usual chocolate at Baskins and Robbins than it does for one these #NEVRTRUMP azzweasels to lie bold faced just to F__K Trump.    

What would take real courage is for the creepy Dr. babe to use the occasion of her testimony to admit she has no idea what happened 37 years ago and apologized to all concerned.  That would be courageous. Sadly that scenario is far more likely to happen than the preening azzbags giving up their must see TV time to another senator.

Prediction:  Republicans will cave.  The crapweasel show will go on late next week or the week after.  Nothing will be solved.  The only accomplishment will be the weakening of another US institution.  Sadly that equals “mission accomplished” for the Dopes.                        

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