Friday, January 24, 2020

Man channels Lex, exposes Big Chief Get me a beer Warren's BS

This guy nails it.  Lex has made this point several times over.  Chief Liesherscrawneyazzoff’s response is more concerning than her boneheaded policy.  She laughs at the guy. 

The next shoe to drop on this waste of flesh will be when a kid whose parents could not afford to send him to college so he got a job, earned a good living in PDJT’s record economy and Chief Fizzelhead now demands that the kid coughs up his hard earned Yankee dollars to pay for Joe Cool’s 8 year degree in coffee cup design.

It's total BS.  It's easily pointed to as total BS.  

Today's JG rant

Re: Sharon Hechaman’s letter “Trump tweets foretell today’s Iran strategy” of Jan 21, 2020.

Per usual for serious sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Heckaman dredges up years old tweets, out of context comments etc. to skewer PDJT. 

For those suffering from TDS, tweets are far more important than:

Record economic growth under PDJT.

Record high numbers of Americans working under PDJT.

Record low minority unemployment under PDJT.

Record high wage growth for low income Americans under PDJT.

Record number of Americans lifted off of welfare and food stamps under PDJT.

Dismantling of the ISIS caliphate under PDJT.

Dismantling of a record number economically stifling government regulations under PDJT.

So given that record and so much more, is it any wonder TDS sufferers are reduced to digging up years old tweets and complaining about a comb over or tie that’s tied a bit too long.  Let’s face it.  TDS sufferers want America to fail under this president.

Heckaman then buys into the leftist, socialist, communist notion that it's PDJT’s responsibility to prove himself innocent of the litany of non-stop bogus charges emanating from low-IQ Democrats since PDJT descended the beautiful gold escalator at Trump Tower.

A quick civics lesson for Heckaman: In America, for now, it’s the prosecutions responsibility to prove a defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  The defendant has zero responsibility to provide one scintilla of evidence of his own innocence if he chooses not to.

I’d love to see the shoe on the other foot.  A bunch of crooked cops - you know the type Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page et al - raid Heckaman’s house in the predawn a la Roger Stone dragging her from her home in a nightgown.  Then after dragging her away in the dawn's early light, they allege a bunch of unfounded charges against her.  Then in a secret court room they demand that she prove that she’s not guilty of the alleged un-American activities – the definition which is the sole purview of the people making the charges.

We aren’t there yet.  We are one election away.  If any of the socialist/communist Democrat candidates are elected in 2020, this is what America is likely to become.  

If that’s your America Ms. Heckaman I hope you are the very first citizen subjected to the rules you that you want to apply to PDJT.    

Trump tweets foretell today's Iran strategy
Here are a few Donald Trump statements and tweets about Iran that are revealing and relevant in today's environment:
• Nov. 16, 2011: “Our President will start a war with Iran because he has no ability to negotiate. He's weak and he's ineffective. So the only way he figures that he's going to get reelected ... is to start a war with Iran.”
• April 4, 2012: “Remember what I said about @BarackObama attacking Iran before the election ....”
• July 3, 2012: “Just as I predicted, @BarackObama is preparing a possible attack on Iran right before November.”
• Aug. 16, 2012: “I always said @BarackObama will attack Iran, in some form, prior to the election.”
• Oct. 9, 2012: “Now that Obama's poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.”
• Oct. 22, 2012: “Don't let Obama play the Iran card in order to start a war in order to get reelected ....”
Now it's Trump – weak, ineffective, desperate, trying to get reelected – playing the Iran card. It's obvious he'll do anything to distract from impeachment and rile up his base to get reelected.
He could try to make impeachment go away by allowing documents and witnesses prove his innocence. But so far he won't. Why would a person with nothing to fear withhold information and silence witnesses who could exonerate him? Unless he's not so innocent and his genuine intent is to deflect, withhold facts, hide the truth. His are definitely not the actions of an innocent person.
I love America; I loathe Trump's effect on it. I cannot support this pathetic man. Sad.
Sharon Heckaman
Columbia City

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