Thursday, January 16, 2020

Watch the Rat establishment Republicans turn on PDJT

The impeachment train is rolling.  It’ll be interesting to see the first point that Rat establishment Republicans (ReR) turn on PDJT.  Com-on man, you know that they will.

Dopes will demand Bolton, Pence, Stormy Daniels, Michael Avanati, Blasey Ford, George Conway, PDJT’s bankers etc. all testify and in order to virtue-signal that they are fair-minded the ReRs will go along with the demands.  When PDJT demands that Hunter Biden testify, ReRs will claim that they don’t want the trial to descend into some kind of circus and refuse the request.

The only thing more double dealing than a POS like Schiff is a POS like Mitt Romney.  I cannot believe that I voted for that jackazz.

If the impeachment roll out by Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser and her clown show is any indication, the impeachment trial will be a bigger joke than Geraldo’s “What’s in Al Capone’s safe” special.  Hint: There was nothing of consequence in the safe and there is nothing of consequence in the articles of impeachment. 

Someone needs to explain this in words that I can understand.  PDJT has released the transcript of the call proving the Blower, sh*tty Schiff, and Peloser are all full excrement.  Both presidents involved with the call insist that there was no pressure on Ukraine to investigate Slow Joe Biden – quid pro quo.  The Ukrainians got the money that congress appropriated within the time limit set by congress.  So, what the heck is the problem?

The evidence is so air tight that sh*tty Schiff and Peloser had to lie about what PPDJT said in the call to make it look nefarious.  Peloser did it just yesterday.  The old bag lied through her false teeth that appear to be about 3 ½ sizes too big for the weasel.  Peloser said PDJT said, “Do me a favor…”  instead of what PDJT really said, “Do us a favor…”   

This is the type of BS we can expect from the Dopes.  We can expect ReRs to go along with about half of the BS.

Slow Joe Biden blames PDJT for trashing his junkie son

Slow Joe said Republicans and PDJT are savaging his "surviving son."  BS.  Slow Joe's surviving son is a lying crackhead thief.  Slow Joe put his no talent son in asweetheart position where he was immediately over his head.  Then Slow Joe extorted the Ukraine government to keep them form investigating the company Slow Joe's leach of son worked for.  Slow Joe's surviving son also kocked up a hooker and refuses pay child support for the bastard.  The piece of sh*t doesn't fall far from the azzhole Joe. 

Meet Lev Parnas, the Dope's new Michael Avanetti

We went down this road this before.  The only thing Parnas hasn't accused PDJT of is kidnapping the Lindbergh Baby. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The impeachment train is in phase 1100. It's been about 1100 days since PJDT took office. And fewer and fewer people care. Some good articles are out there now on the fatigue of it. People dont care. Congressional approval rating under 15 percent since before 1G wireless was invented...and dropping.
And the senators? Well now...Makeup! Put on glasses, look concerned! The illustrious and honorable Sen Rufus T Claghorn will not miss his stage call. "Well sir, my family was too poor to pick cotton or pay attention back in my childhood...blah, blah". A chance to raise donations for the next election. The entire process will leave 80 percent of the citizens saying,"WTH? My town streets are loaded with pot holes!" Pelosi is pushing her dementia buttons again talking about our constitutional forefathers. "Hamilton was a Ford guy, but Jefferson liked Chevys, and that is why we need to impeach President Taft, ...or Goldwater, wait, it's President Jimmy Hoffa". Nancy will be hiding her own Easter eggs again this Easter and not finding them. After she lost the articles of impeachment last month she finally found them in the sun room by the Readers Digest. Impeachment is on! Nobody gives a shit.