Monday, March 09, 2020

Daylight Savings Time, Wokey Woke Demo-Dopes settle on old rich white dudes, and whining Demo-Dope letter writers

Daylight savings time
An easy way to win the 2020 presidential election is for PDJT to announce that he will demand that congress pick one – Daylight Savings Time or -- shoot what is the opposite of DST?  Daylight Wasting Time?  Nighttime Savings Time?  Hmm.  Anyway, pick one.  Set the clocks.  Leave them alone for the next 10,000 years.   

Racist, misogynistic, homophobic Demo-Dope primary voters reject everyone but old rich white men
Democrats are in high dudgeon…again.  But seriously, when have Democrats not been in high dudgeon since 9pm on Nov 8th, 2016?  The latest spleen venting issue Democrats have landed on is the demise of fake American Indian Liz Warren’s presidential bid.

Democrats and their usual water carriers, Hollywood swells and the MSM, are blasting America as being riddled with misogyny to explain away the failure of a candidate who couldn’t manage to stay ahead of her litany of lies most of which foolishly dealt with her own easily verifiable biography. 

It’s a bit weird that Democrats blame America – as they are wont to do – when it was not America but rather misogynistic Democrat primary voters who rejected all the female candidates in a crowded Democrat primary field. But the ladies shouldn’t feel too bad.  Racist Democrat primary voters also rejected all Democrat candidates of color and are clearly homophobic for rejecting the first openly gay candidate. 

And what are the wokey woke Democrats now left with?  Irony of all ironies, two old, rich, white men. So Democrats have to be waking up and asking themselves, “Wait.  What just happened?”

Today’s JG rant
Re Lucille P. Uttermoheln’s letter “Indiana’s senators join in dereliction of duty” of Mar 8, 2020.

It’s comical or sad or both that Uttermoheln can decry our duly elected representatives casting a recorded public vote in the senate as evidence of the need “to rescue our ‘democracy’” simply because she does not like the outcome of that vote. 

“Democracy” - or rather the functioning of our representative republic – was on display in all of its glory and for the world to see during impeachment.  The mechanics worked exactly as intended by the constitution. Contrary to the fallacy stated in Uttermoheln's letter, witnesses were brought.  The House of Representative interviewed 17 witnesses.  Based on the testimony of those witnesses, the House voted to bring two articles of Impeachment to the senate on purely partisan lines then presented their case to senators. 

As the House Managers droned on, and on, and on attempting to prove their case, Americans interested in preserving their mental health tuned out and support for impeachment fell through the floor.

Because the end state of the Impeachment Trial was not what Uttermohelen desired, everyone that does not agree with her warped view – a majority of Americans by the way - is now a coward.       

Then in the kitchen sink approach, Uttermoheln brings up the Electoral College as if that constitutional mechanism for electing our presidents was sprung on Democrats at the last minute in 2016.  Notice how no Democrat complained about the Electoral College BEFORE the election when they were thought o have about 170 vote advantage in the Electoral College. The whining only began when the political novice kicked their lazy butts under the plainly stated rules for presidential elections.    

Indiana's senators join in dereliction of duty
Donald Trump's impeachment “trial” is over. Both of Indiana's senators, Mike Braun and Todd Young, displayed their cowardice by voting to acquit Trump. Now, it is left to us to try to rescue our “democracy.” I hope we stand up to the challenge, but I would submit that our Senate has shirked its duty.
Only laziness and cowardice have kept us from finding out the whole truth about our president's betrayal of the American public. It is the duty of the Senate to keep us from being governed by a narcissistic madman. In this, it has failed utterly.
If Republicans had called witnesses and admitted documents at Trump's impeachment trial, I still would have hoped for his conviction. However, whether or not he was found guilty, Americans would have had their day in court. Instead, we have all been cheated out of the protection our Constitution is supposed to afford us.
Trump did not win by a landslide. His ascendance to the presidency was because of the Electoral College, not universal popularity. He doesn't have a mandate to follow his dangerous and arbitrary whims. Yet his toadies, including our two senators, didn't have the integrity to insist on learning the truth before acquitting him out of hand.
The impeachment trial was an opportunity to restore some sanity to our government. Our Senate wasted the chance to normalize America's dialogue with its own citizens and the rest of the world. Braun and Young went along with the Trump cult because of politics. They should be ashamed, and they should be replaced as soon as possible.
Lucille P. Uttermohlen

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Per Lucille Uttermohlen, America would be much better off with Mike Pence as president. As she is from Indiana, as is Mike Pence, I am invoking this as The Indiana Conspiracy. The two U.S. senators from Indiana though are not part of it. She sounds pissed Pence is not pres.
I wonder which candidate of the anti-diversity Dem Party she supports. The socialist white male or the younger and senile white male. The Electoral College...Biden says he is scheduled to visit that campus in March! He can't wait!