Thursday, March 05, 2020

Scummer and Biden two old Dope BS artists

The shameless liar Chuckles the weeping clown Scummer took after two justices of the Supreme Court on the steps of the Supreme Court yesterday.  After calling out the two justices by name in front of their place of work, the lying POS released a statement that he was referring to senate Republicans not the two Supreme Court justices he called out by name.  The only one that that explanation makes any sense to is Slow Joe Biden.

The rank file BS Demo-Dopes will close behind the loud-mouthed loser just like they got behind the petulant infantile Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser when that old, old, old, old shriveled up gasbag tore up the State of the Union speech.  Reprehensible behavior is just the norm for Demo-Dopes these days.

Republicans will not have the stomach to censure the disgusting weasel.  Instead they will take to floor and read all manner of, “My good friend from New York was wrong blah, blah, blah...”  All the moderate Dopes will rise up to condemn Scummer – meaning no Dope will condemn Scummer. 

The exact opposite.  No doubt some creative will be fund raising off of Scummer’s remarks.

My hope is that someone grabs the worthless boob by the stacking swivel and smashes his empty head in with ballpeen hammer seven or eight times.  Now that’s not a threat to Scummer.  It’s just a warning to Dopes in the senate.  

Why was Mr. Pushup Champion and the guy who threatens to take people out behind the gym to beat them up, hiding behind his interchangeable wife and sister when protesters rushed the stage during Slowly Joe’s Super Thursday victory celebration?  Weak, slow, stupid, afraid or all the above?

I heard as good an explanation for Slowest Joe’s Super June primary results as any.  Slowest of all Joes did well because no one saw him up close and in person as they did in Iowa and New Hampshire.  The double D-bag got over on name recognition, establishment Dope and MSM top cover, and anyone but Bernieism. 

My guess is Biden is the new Shrillda the Hutt candidate who becomes more popular the less people see of the senile old commie bastard.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The hard hitting press will Wade into hard hitting questions.
Question #1 is for Mr. Biden. "Mr. Biden, what is your favorite ice cream topping?"
Q2 is for Pres Trump. "Pres Trump, would you describe the molecular structure of PCP as a crystalized lattice or a fluid polymer?".
The press has a real challenge here with Slow Joe. They will try to make Trump a ruthless monster beating up on a lost senior.