Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Dopes acting Dopey

Super Tuesday
Black SC voters breathed life into Slowest of all Joes Biden’s faltering campaign. Slow Joe has gotten a long list of endorsement from the usual Demo-Dope establishment power brokers scared to death of Bernie and the rank and file Dope socialist/communist voters.  Observation:  When Republicans win Southern States it’s called a racist “Southern Strategy.”  When Slowest of all Joes Biden wins Southern states it’s called an “African-American firewall.”  What’s up with that?

These Bernie Dopes are Dopes same as every Dope, but haven’t gotten the message that they are supposed to keep their socialist/communist leanings on the down low during the campaign.  The Dope plan is always wait until after the election to implement their socialist/communist agenda slowly squeezing freedoms out America bit by bit.  When the masses wake up to what’s happening, elections - because of open borders - will be obsolete and it’ll be too late.

The bottom line is that there is no Dope “moderate candidate.”  They are all socialist/commie bastards.  The only difference is that some voice it openly promising to run or ship of state into the iceberg full speed ahead and other stealth socialist/commie bastards are promising to pull the throttle back just a tic.

All of these loons back open borders.  None will be forced to assimilate any illegals into their schools or hospitals.  All back free healthcare for the world – or at least to anyone who can wander across what they promise will be open borders.  None of the new healthcare rules will apply to them or their elite donor base.  All these loons will insist that you give up your guns behind what will be an Orwellian call for “common sense gun safety.”  When their lunacy fails – as I believe it is designed to do – they will throw up their hands, “Well we tried everything else.  The only thing left is a total ban on all types of firearms!  Turn ‘em in Mr. & Mrs. America.”  None of the gun laws will apply to them or their elite donor base.  All these loons to one degree or another back the Green New Deal.  None of the energy, dietary or retrofit GND mandates will apply to them or their elite donor base.

Please don’t think one of these loons can’t win.  “Free” is a very persuasive argument.  It’s all fun and game until the bill comes due.  Then it’s too late.

Something strange happened on the way to wokey woke Dope forum
When the Dopes started their nomination process the field of 1,800 or so candidates looked like the Star Wars bar scene.  Just about every aggrieved segment of the Dope party was represented. As the purple three eyed single mom dropped out followed by the transitioning white man who identifies as black and announced on stage that ze was transitioning back to a woman and declared zeself a binary multi gendered super sex dropped out then the illegal alien left-handed wicken dwarf dropped out and so on so fourth until – WHAT’s LEFT??

HA!!  The three front runners are all - old - rich - white - men.  The wokey woke Dopes have to be asking themselves - WTF just happened?  

The Afghan “peace” deal
I’m skeptical.  PDJT said we could win the war if we were willing to kill a million souls.  The cynic in me says, okay.  But then I’m caught short, “What in the hell is wrong with you!”  So if you’re not in it to win it, get the hell out. We will see if the Taliban is will to test PDJT.  They saw the ISIS caliphate disappear before their very eyes.

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