Friday, January 14, 2005

Suspend all fun

Democrat shill disguised as AP reporter, Willie Lester and other libs are taking aim at President Bush – gambling in Casablanca? Shocking! This time Willie and his pals are zeroing in on the cost of the inaugural parade and balls. Most of the money comes from private donations. No matter to these do-gooders, that money could be better spent doing other things such as providing aid to tsunami victims. (7.2 billion dollars have already been pledged. By the time Kofi Annan’s family other UN officials get done looting the fund they’ll probably need to raise 10 times that amount.)

Basketball BILLIONAIRE do-gooder spokesman Mark Cuban wrote on his blog, "As a country, we face huge deficits. We face a declining economy. We have service people dying. We face responsibilities to help those suffering from the ... devastation of the tsunamis". Cuban challenged Bush to set an example: "Start by canceling your inauguration parties and festivities." Essentially Cuban is challenging America to cancel every party until the world is a perfect place. If your youngster is having a birthday party this weekend, cancel it. Send the money that would have been spent on that party to the tsunami victims. Your six year old will understand. Mark knows how to spend your money. For your anniversary is this year, you and your spouse can split a can of pork & beans and send any money left over into save the whales. Listen to Mark, he’s better than you. Hey Mark, Mr. Big Shot, let’s do the youth of America a favor and cancel the rest of the NBA season, which in light of the tsunami suffering seems so shallow, and send the money into the US Treasury to reduce the deficit. (Actually, the NBA season would seem shallow if it were compared to Jessica Simpson.)

Yo, Willie and Mark, why don’t we do both? Why not have the parties continuing life as normally as possible while at the same time maintaining our place as the most generous nation on earth? How about Mr. Billionaire big shot with the bigger mouth pledging a dollar to tsunami aid for every dollar spent on the inaugural? Hell, why not ten dollars? I think it’s because they really don’t give a hoot. They could quietly go about doing good deeds with their own money leaving the rest of alone but they choose to publicly thump their own chest, which doesn’t cost them a dime. It’s almost always easier to appear to be good than actually do the good dead. Nice try Mark, until you sell the team, donate until you’re forced to live in a 1,500 sq ft apartment and drive an 8 year old Chevy just shut your pie hole.

The rest of us will continue to give generously to the causes of our choice and still go about living normal lives, even going to, GASP! an occasional party or two.


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