Thursday, December 08, 2005

DemoRATS puff too long on antiwar exploding cigar

One thing we can always count on, if DemoRATS think they have an advantage they will overplay the advantage until it blows up in their faces. That is beginning to happen with John “The Good and Honorable (coward)” Murtha’s cut and run strategy in Iraq; true draft-dodger Howie “America is a loser” Dean; John “American troops are STILL terrorists” Kerry. Arrogant, ignorant DemoRAT doofuses know nothing about Joe Sixpack.

Joe hates to lose. Even a game of checkers – even if it’s on purpose to his 8 year old son. Joe hates when his favorite driver finishes second on Sunday. Joe is near suicidal when his teams lose on Saturday or Sunday. Joe ain’t gonna stand for losen no war because of a couple of chikensh%* politicians.

Joe is a man of honor. Joe gives up his seat on public transportation for old people, women and children. Joe cuts the neighbor’s grass when they are away on vacation. Joe runs to the all night store during his favorite TV show in the rain for tape to finish jr’s school project. If Joe says he’ll help you move, he shows up on time and stays until the job is done. So Joe ain’t gonna put up with leavin’ no job half done.

Joe is patriot. He doesn’t understand geo-politics but he knows surrender when he sees it. He may never have served in the military but he respects those who do and have. Joe may come to blows with anyone who calls our troops criminals or terrorists. Joe thinks America is a country that is basically good and descent. Not without fault, but willing to own up to its mistakes and correct them. Joe dont think America is a bad thing.

DemoRATS failure to understand the average American put them on the verge of total collapse. Let’s give ‘em a push in ’06.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Lex E. Libertas, I had been out looking for some new information on e gold when I found your site and DemoRATS puff too long on antiwar exploding cigar. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.