Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Arellano deported; forgets son

Illegal alien Elvira Arellano was deported to Mexico after nearly a year holed up in a Chicago church. Church leaders were outraged. “Who’s going to clean this place up now,” lamented the pastor. Church folks were equally infuriated at the feds’ heavy handedness that will result in the loss of the 25 cent an hour (20 cents an hour for two or more children) childcare service.

Ms Arellano’s chief objective in defying a ten year old deportation order was so she could stay with her eight year old son who has ADHAD – which is also known as being an eight year old boy. So, sticking to principle, Ms Arellano decided to abandon her eight year old and return to Mexico alone. Hmm that doesn’t sound right. Shouldn’t she have taken the boy with her if her chief objective was to keep the two of them together? Oh well, just an oversight I’m sure. Who hasn’t forgotten something in hotel room when traveling? Anyway, the church grounds keeper is delighted. “It won’t be long before the boy is able to push a mower for a nickel an hour.”

Meanwhile down in Texas, assbag prosecutor Johnny Fitzfong Sutton has rounded up a pose to go to Los Angeles and do a snatch and grab on the ICE officials who deported Ms Arellano. “This is an outrage!! I’ll not stand silently by while Border Patrol agents and ICE officials enforce our immigration laws. These renegade federal officials doing their job must be stopped. And I’m just the guy to do it. I’ll manufacture damning evidence while withholding exculpatory evidence and run these honorable public servants right to the nearest federal penitentiary. And I’ll not stop until we have the open borders that President Bush and the Mexican government have sought.”

The boy is lucky Janet Reno isn’t around. No doubt she’d be storming the church with federal customs agents, snatching the lad and forcibly returning him to his mother who doesn’t really want him after all. Or do we just do that sort of thing when the child is to be returned to a communist country?

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