Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rats acting like rats

Why are public unions acting like cornered rats? Take a look several posts under at the way the public unions have acted in WI. Then check this out:

Public union thugs are acting like cornered rats because they are…well…cornered rats. The rats can see that they are about to be run over by their own public gravy train. So instead of making the concessions required to keep the gravy train rolling they’ve decided no concession, no matter how minor, can be extracted from the monopoly that the public unions represent.

Better to slay the golden goose than let the public off the hook on public union salaries and benefits. Unions can see the unsustainable nature of what they have created and they can now see that the public can see. The only hope in their eyes is fight like hell over even the most minor of concessions lest the public demand more and more concessions until the unions are brought on a par with people paying their salaries and benefits.

They are out acting like animals now, because they know the gravy train is going to have to roll to a stop. But they can’t make everyday man the enemy, never mind that these greedy bastards are making ½ again more money as everyday man who pays the freight. They need everyday man on their side. Because the dirty little secret is that lefty dopes like the public unions could confiscate every dime of everyone making a million dollars or more and it still wouldn’t come close to funding the BS that Demo-Dopes think of to spend money on. The money has to come from everyday man because there are so many of us.

But everyday man is getting wise. He’s humping his butt off 5-6 days a week 10-12 hours a day to make ends meet so that the public unions can pay employees ½ again more than everyday man, that’s for a public union 30 hour work week 180 days a year. How is that sustainable?

I’ll tell you how. The public unions raise the kind of hell we’ve seen in WI and in the bank in that video and try to intimidate everyday man and his representatives. It’s called mob rule. Whoever can organize the mob rules. And sadly we’ve foolishly elected an organizer in chief.

Everyday man is behind the power curve. But the Tea Party has demonstrated that everyday man can get organized. But it’s usually on the weekend, because unlike public employees, everyday man has to show up for work Mon thru Fri.

Public union employees are acting like cornered rats because that’s what they are – cornered rats.

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