Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Avoiding Romney's loss

OK here’s Lex’s take on Romney’s loss. Given that Little Barry was willing to lie his @$$ off, had the crap weasel lapdog MSM in his pocket and used your tax dollars to buy votes, there are only two things Romney might have done to win.

First was to pick Marco Rubio as his VP. Lex opined early on that Romney’s VP needed to fracture one of Little Barry’s coalitions. A woman, black or Hispanic would have done that.

That said, I was impressed that Romney didn’t go the political route when picking his VP. By picking Paul Ryan, Romney showed he was serious about getting to work fixing America’s problems.

Second, Romney could have gotten as mean and in your face as the Little Barry campaign. He could have called Stephanie Cutter, Harry the roach Reid, David Axelhead et. al. pathetic liars, BS artists, scumbags, $h!theads and on and on. Those descriptions have the added advantage of all being true. Romney let the narrative get away from him early on when he didn’t respond forcefully enough to a months long ad campaign in OH and other swing states that depicted him as a dog hating, woman killing money grubbing capitalist.

Of politics, someone once said a charge not quickly and forcefully answered becomes the truth. For Romney being a mean spirited jackass probably was never in the cards. Neither he nor Paul Ryan was raised that way. Little Barry, the dope smoking, coke snorting punk, on the hand has been spreading malicious BS his entire life. So much so it IS his nature.

But hey, enough of that. Thanksgiving is upon. And as bad as things seem, we still have much to be thankful for today.

America is still a great big beautiful place.

Nearly half the people living here still understand liberty and freedom.

Compared to the rest of the world, that’s a good start. And if you think about it like that, this is a start not the end, well we’re in pretty good shape. Have a great, wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.


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