Friday, November 02, 2012

Pay no attention to the man with the Jobs numbers

The 3 letter report is due out today - the J-O-B-S report
Jobs numbers are due out today. They will indicate a near miraculous drop in the unemployment rate to .000001%. This was baked into cake a year ago. It’s total BS. The economy doesn’t bump along with 8+% unemployment for 40+ months then drastically improve the 2 months prior to an election.

I do not pretend to know what will happen next Tues, but I know anyone who is stupid enough to fall for this unemployment manipulation BS is already a Demo-Dope voter. Anyone with a brain will see this for what it is - election politics.

Who knows what any of the 5 or 6 million polls mean. I think the early polls showing Little Barry up 50 points were BS designed to make us think the election was over. The new polls now showing it tied everywhere it matters are designed to mobilize Little Barry’s base. But that plan will work both ways.

It’s everywhere. During early voting in six swing states, voters are noticing a vote for Romney comes up for Little Barry when it’s checked before hitting the “vote” button. This cannot be an "accident."  If it were, wouldn't at least one of the states have Little Barry votes going to Romney? Also, 45,000 ineligible Somali refugees have been trucked to the polls in Columbus. Don’t be a dope, check your vote. If it’s not close, they can’t cheat.

Over populated areas
One of the major events of the industrial revolution was the movement of people from agribusiness to cities where they labored in steam powered factories. The use of municipally supplied steam lines for manufacturing and heating led to instant population explosions in cities.

The steam lines are all gone and electrical power is available to all but the most remote locations where people might choose to live. Here’s a question nobody has asked in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy, why would anyone choose to live in a city of ten million people?

There is no logical reason to be packed like sardines into a city like NY or any other city of more than say 500,000 people. Well, Lex, you don’t understand. No I don’t, explain it to me. Well, NY is the financial capital of the world. So what, use technology, computers, conference calls, video calls etc. to spread the “work” to 5 or 6 other cities. Well, NY is also a major entertainment capital. So what, Lettermen would be less unfunny if were to broadcast from say Toledo? Well, all the swells just want to be together in NY, LA and the like. Ahh, it’s just the cool place to be. It’s like the cool kids’ table in the cafeteria during HS.

Fine, but when that table gets so over crowded it collapses, the rest of the student body shouldn’t be asked to chip in to pay to fix it. It seems to me unreasonable to crowd people into a low lying areas and then put on a shocked face when those areas are swept away every decade or so.

Remember in New Orleans, after hurricane Katrina, the only area that didn’t suffer catastrophic damage was in the old city laid out by those worthless dead white guys. The same is largely true along the east coast today. There is only so much crap you can put into a 5 lbs bag. Sadly for decades, city fathers in major US cities have chosen to put more and more crap into an already full bag. Then when something goes wrong, as it ALWAYS will, the country is supposed to stop and tend to the self afflicted wound of others.

No, I don’t care where people choose to live. But if you insist on building your home three feet from the average high tide line on the east coast, or on the edge of a sandy cliff over looking the Pacific on the west coast, you should not be shocked when Mother Nature has its way with it.

In the Marine Corps (That’s Marine Corpse for you Little Barry) when organizing a convoy, commanders spread load their valuable assets. They don’t put all of the machine guns on one truck. They spread them throughout the convoy. Then they spread the convoy over distance so that one bomb won’t get more than one vehicle. Whenever a group Marines would gather together in combat training, you’d hear the gunny, “spread out! One heat tab will get all of you.”

It seems to me that we’re seeing the affects of poor planning and decision making as much as anything else in the tragedy and aftermath of Sandy.  We loaded the preverbial 10 lbs of crap into the 5 lbs bag and now we are some how surprised that there is a huge mess to clean up when the bag finally gives out.

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