Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crap Weasel media Complicit in Benghazi

Why won’t the lapdog MSM hold Little Barry and his @$$clown administration responsible for Benghazi? Simple, to the extent that they are responsible for putting the little know nothing in office in the first place, they are also responsible for the events in Benghazi. They have no interest in getting at the truth of the total incompetence on display in the Benghazi episode, because they were complicit in electing the double d-bag responsible for those events in the first place.

The lapdogs are like the baseball manager who leaves his son in as the starting pitcher for 4 innings even though he’s given up 5 runs an inning. Some how, the team has managed to keep it close. So instead of putting a new fresh arm on the mound, the manager convinces himself things will be different in the next 4 innings. The lapdogs have too much invested in the little sail eared creep to start telling the truth about him now. Not only would that expose Little Barry for the incompetent boob that he is, it would expose their own malfeasance.

So Little Barry will stay on the mound getting shelled with the lapdogs telling us he has the “best stuff” they’ve ever seen. The only serious question is whether or not the rest of the team will be able to rally to keep it close enough to keep us from going over the cliff of social progressivism for the next four years. If yesterday’s presser is any indication, the lapdogs will lie straight faced for the next four years to avoid looking like the lying busload of crap weasels that they are.

One question that was never asked that would shed a great deal of light on this matter would have been: Little Barry, your royal @$$holiness, who specifically told you and when that the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous demonstration as result of an Internet film that no one had ever heard of?

Instead we get question after question about a couple of General’s e-mails that are deflected with “I cannot comment about an on-going investigation” line of BS.

It is insane. Look at the sail eared dolt’s answer to the Susan Rice question. Little SFBs said:

“Susan Rice, she has done exemplary work…she made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence provided to her.

"If Senator McCain and Senator Graham want to go after somebody, they should go after me. But to go after the UN Ambassador who had nothing to do with Benghazi.”

YGBSM!!! A child of 4 could see through this, but apparently not our heroic lapdog media. Who provided Rice the intelligence? If Rice had nothing to with Benghazi, WTF was she doing on the 5 Sunday shows spreading a layer of BS about a spontaneous attack as a result of some video? Apparently the crap weasel media was incapable of adding 2 + 2 and arriving at 4. Instead the crap weasels were in their - if the royal douche says 2 + 2 = 7 ½ then so be it - mode. After all who are they to question the clueless buffoon that they created?

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