Friday, October 10, 2014

Shocking! A new Empty Suit scandal

It really has turned out to be a brilliant strategy.  Not the feckless ineffective air campaign designed for show being pursued by The Empty Suit in Iraq and Syria.  The political strategy that has allowed TES and his merry gang of America hating Richard Craniums to pile one scandal atop another with no real consequence.  We’ve been down the road of listing some of the more obvious ones before.  OK one more time: Fast and Furious, Russian reset, bowing apology tours, Syrian redlines, Assad’s a reformer, Assad must go, bombing Libya into a radical Muslim safe zone, Secret Service hookers, Secret Service incompetence, Iraq drawdown, closing G’itmo, IRS, VA, NSA, AP, Robertscare website, Bowe Bergdhal, Roberstcare, keeping your Dr., keeping your healthcare plan, billion dollar stimulus failure, shovel ready jobs, ISIS, Ebola, the flood of unaccompanied immigrant children across the southern border, green energy scandals times 5 or 6, oh and that little mess in Benghazi.  I’m sure there are a dozen or more minor scandals that have been left out, but you get the point.

The strategy of having so many scandals is that there are so many targets of opportunity that a compliant scatter-brained press cannot concentrate long enough on one to get their mind around it before another breaks and off they go chasing a new squirrel.  But none is run to ground before a new one breaks.  By the time they get back to an older scandal the, “Dude that was, like, two years ago,” explanation is asserted.  That or the “That State Department scandal was thoroughly investigated by the State Department and the State Department cleared itself of any wrong doing” explanation is asserted.  That or the “That is so like, what, ten scandals ago?  The 2009s called and want their scandal reporting back.  Get with the times” scandal control mode is invoked.

Of course it helps to have compliant, sycophantic press corps scared to its very soul of being labeled a racist for asking a pertinent question instead of offering up platitudes about our dope of chief executive.  You’d just think given the vast field of targets of opportunity that one aspiring reporter would have attached himself one and run it to ground.  You’d be wrong.  It also helps to have an opposition party more interested in maintaining the Caligula D.C. status quo than offering any opposition – again the fear of being called a racist trumps the good of the nation.
This can all be avoided.  I’ve said it before.  I’m OK with TES’s black side.  It’s the white half I can’t stand.  Besides I’m not sure Rat Republicans are not in cahoots with the Dopes as long as they get to stay in the lap of luxury in Caligula while the rest of the country descends into a type of Hunger Games turmoil with the masses waiting for the swells in Caligula to turn on the gruel machine. 

Now had Richard Millhouse Nixon had the good sense to get caught with a Colombian hooker in his Cartagena hotel room, so flummoxed would the press and his congressional detractors have been, he might have been able to serve out the entirety his second term.

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