Friday, October 31, 2014

Can't wait for the election to be over

Is anyone else sick of this election cycle?  If I see one more commentator standing in front of a map going over the millisecond to millisecond polls in the 10 “key senate races” I think I’ll throw a brick through the TV.  I can only hope that I’ll be at home and not at friend’s house or in a bar in that eventuality.


It’s absolutely insane for a guy in Indiana to be worrying about Scott Brown’s election in NH.  There is only so much anxiety one can muster.  We’ve at this for months, but doesn’t it seem like a lifetime?  God bless the idiots, fools, undecideds and the ones who are “just tuning in.”  You know the type.  You ask, “What do think abut the midterm election” and they reply, “there’s an election coming up?”  What the hell kind of world can you live in where you’re still undecided or just have missed the nonstop coverage of this election?


At this point you have to wonder what the hell kind of county we live in where these morons are permitted to set the course of the country.  Sometime back about the middle of September anyone who was still undecided or hadn’t yet “tuned in” needed to have their voting privileges pulled.  I have to think if that happened the DemoDope Party would cease to exist. 


Here’s how I see a break down of the DemoDope party.  60% of the Dope Party is made up of hard core single issue losers who look to Dopes to affirm their single issue fetish. 

Homosexuals who think they will be stoned if a Republican congress comes to power.  No that will only happen if a Muslim caliphate comes to power.

Women who think 30 years of wrongly decided abortion rights will be wiped over night or that after 40 years contraception will be wiped out the morning after a Republican victory. 

Blacks who think an Obamaphone and a welfare check trump a job.

Hispanics who fled corrupt and useless governments who now want to vote for corrupt and useless Dope candidates to establish the same thing in the US. 

Anti-American fanatics who just want to ruin the country.  What better  way to that end than vote Dope?

Union thugs, particularly public sector union thugs, who think the guy making $50,000 a year should be taxed to death to pay a union teacher $75,000 a year for 9 months of work.

Criminals are, of course, a near unanimous voting block for Dopes for obvious reasons. 


Then there are about 10% of Dope voters who are trapped in the memories of what the Dope party used to be before it became a dumping ground for every misfit anti-American lunatic drawing a breath - old time liberals who still ascribe to the true meaning of the word.  These are the Truman, JFK, Scoop Jackson Democrats who love America, its founding principals but who believe the government has a larger responsibility to the people.  These are the true liberal people with whom conservatives only disagree on the margins.  JFK today would be tax cutting, pro life, pro-military hawk of a Republican.  The difference between him and Richard Nixon were found only on the margins.


The last group of Dope voters is the 30% uninformed moron vote.  They rely on what their friends, the Hollywood hipsters and the din of MSM Dope lackeys are saying.  Since Hollywood and the MSM are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Dope Party the uninformed can be relied upon to break about 99% for Dopes.  Their vote is cast to be cool or avoid ridicule from the hipster crowd.  These are the people seen in the Jaywalking bit on Leno or on Water’s World on Billbo O’Really.  Clueless dopes who cancel your vote as effectively as an illegal alien voting Dope.


Dopes are always whining about Republicans trying to suppress the vote.  The Republicans deny the allegation.  That’s a mistake.  The coming out position ought to be, “Damn right we’re trying to suppress the moron vote.”   Voter ID ought to the absolute minimum requirement to vote.  I don’t know where literacy tests got such a bad name.  There ought to be some mechanism whereby idiots are screened out of the process.  Dopes scream bloody murder at such a thought because they know like criminals, idiots are likely to vote 99% with the Dopes.

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