Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Just when did PDJT turn into a racist?

It seems to me that if you’re going to be a successful NY real estate baron, you’d better not be a racist. 

When DJT was playing both sides against the middle to further his own financial position, Dopes lined to accept his hefty campaign contributions and get a picture with him.  No Dope shunned an opportunity to hang out with “the Donald” because he was a racist.  That notion was absurd. 

DJT dated black women, trusted Hershal Walker to take his family to Disneyland. He ran a successful NBC reality show for years hub bubbing with that Lefty Lib crowd.  He rubbed shoulders with Rev? Jesse Jackson, pro athletes (particularly from the boxing world) and the Oprah.  No one ever alleged racism during any of it.

DJT only became a racist when he threatened the Demo-Dope way of doing business.  That’s when the Dopes did what Dopes always do: call anyone the least bit out of step with their orthodoxy a racist.  Now enhanced with white nationalist/supremacist, Nazi, KKK follower.

The latest salvo comes from none other than well-known liar and agitator The Dick, Durbin.  The Dick, Durbin, you may recall, once compared US armed forces to soviets running the gulag.  The Dick, Durbin is now claiming that PDJT called certain sh*tholes around the world sh*tholes. 

The Demo-Dopes and MSM lemmings jumped on the allegation, truth didn’t matter.  You cannot call a sh*thole a sh*thole particularly if the sh*thole you are referencing is run by blacks and/or Hispanics.  No matter how backward, culturally repressed, corrupt, bankrupt, communits leaning and filthy dirty the country might be – it is certainly not the sh*thole it appears to be.  “Hellhole” is fine – ask Lindsey Grahmnesty.  Sh*thole, on the other hand, is definitely racist. 

Quick question: Where would you rather be, in a hell hole (which is eternal misery, wailing and gnashing of teeth) or standing in a hole with sh*t in it that you might eventually be able to extricate yourself from?  A hell hole is much worse than a sh*thole.  Grahamnesty is a racist.

Now the Dopes are demanding the PDJT make amends and prove he’s not a racist by signing an amnesty for “dreamers” to include their friends and family, and they claim to be related in some way to everyone in their backward sh*thole country of origin.

Idunno if PDJT is a racist or not.  I do believe that the people who were hanging out with him and taking his money or making a living off of him before he ran for POTUS know if was/is a racist.  If he was good enough to hang out with then and was not a racist, he’s probably not turned into one by being sworn in as POTUS.

It’s all total BS.  

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