Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Senator Corey Booker from the sh*thole state of NJ wails tears of rage over PDJT's sh*thole remark and it's glorious

Cory Booker blew his nose and wiped his eyes of the tears of rage that had weld up when the Dick, Durbin told him that PDJT referred to countries that are undeniably sh*tholes as sh*tholes.  Cory screamed, “It’s HELL HOLES you racist bastard.” 

Just as an aside, you gotta love PPDJT.  He sends Cory Booker into a wailing tear filled fit of rage by calling sh*holes sh*tholes.  These are the very people telling us PDJT is unstable.  Get a grip Corey.  You are looking like an unhinged douche.  PDJT should double down with a tweet this morning: “Oh, by the way Corey, many places in your state – NJ - are sh*tholes as well.”

Then Booker proceeded to go off DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at her senate hearing yesterday.  Dopes in general were more concerned about PDJT calling certain sh*thole countries in the world sh*tholes than they were with anything pertaining to Homeland Security. 

Booker claimed 73% of something over some period of time were committed by white supremacists.  He went on to air a long list of high profile “white hate crimes.” Nice try Corey.  Get your hanky ready for more tears of rage: the simple fact is that blacks are 27 times – that’s twenty-seven – that’s one score and seven -that’s two – seven – times more likely to target whites for their criminal activity than vice versa. 

So go F-yourself you bald headed whining little crybaby.  Take your faux outrage to Chicago where blacks are doing their level best to kill each other off as quickly as possible as the Demo-Dope party stands by and watches.  What Chicago needs is a whole lot more of the civilized cultured behavior found places like – dare I say it – Norway and whole lot less of the uncultured, uneducated, feral behavior found in sh*tholes like northern Africa, Hati and the Middle East.

As I watched the video above it reminded ofthis.  Yeah it’s totally racist, but only if you think the pics Dopes used to lampoon GWB below are racist.

Obviously the Dopes think that they have a winner here.  There closing argument being, “You just cannot call a sh*thole country a sh*thole.”  Well I think maybe you can when it’s true. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check for his January 9th screed on Shitholes, "Mr.Trump on the Apertures: Stark Madness and Inmiscibility". Right on the money.
