Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK Day now = you are all racists day

I was going to say something about MLK day.  But let’s face it, after 8 years of post-racial healing The Empty Suit style, race relation are in the toilet.

According to the Dope Party, 63 million Americans are racist, white nationalist/supremacists, Nazi, KKK members for voting their own and America’s political interests.

Meanwhile the most outspoken racists seem to me to all be black and/or liberal.

LBJ can talk about wrapping up the “nigger vote for 100 years” for Dopes by passing Civil Rights legislation and no Dope bats an eye.  Former KKK Gran Kleagle and Dope senator Robert Byrd can talk about “white niggers” and no Dope raises a fuss.  Slow Joe and Shrillda the Hutt can lampoon Indian shop keepers without any Leftist being the least off put by it. 
But let PDJT speak an undeniable truth and all hell breaks loose.

So F-MLK Day.  Nothing is ever going to change because Dopes and race baiting blacks – some with Rev before their names – don’t want anything to change.  They are quite content to stoke the racial divide for votes and profit.

Textbook photo on how NOT to attempt a tackle

Lemmesee if I can recall what every coach taught me about tackling since little league:  1) Head up 2) Drive the shoulder 3) Wrap your arms.  Which of those three fundamentals did DB Marcus Williams ignore on his play against Stephon Diggs?

How did Williams miss Diggs on this play?  Obviously, too cool for rules.

It will not be long before sports dope start make comparisons to other sports foul ups.  Larry Bird’s steal of an inbound pass in the final seconds of an NBA playoff game for the win.  Auburns “kick six” against AL.  And perhaps most famous, Bill Buckner’s missed ground ball during the World Series.

This is so much worse than Boston first baseman Bill Buckner’s muffed ground ball during game 6 of the 1986 World Series against the Mets. First off, it was Boston manager John McNamara’s fault for leaving the injured Buckner in the game.  Next, Buckner’s error was NOT of the “walk off” variety.  Boston still had three outs and another game to bail Buckner out.  They failed.

Williams was healthy and was the right guy for the job…supposedly.  His inexplicable missed tackle brought the New Orleans Saint’s season to an abrupt end.  No comparison to Buckner please.

Riddle me this Batman, who’s is the crazy one:
Case one:  AlGore, who once claimed that the Earth’s core is “very hot, several million degrees” making it more than twice as hot as the surface of the sun*, tells us that the life-threatening cold snap that blanked 3/4s of the US is consistent with global warming*.  After all, isn’t everything?

Hint*: In either case, it’s not.

Case two:  PDJT calls certain undeniable sh*tholes in the world, sh*tholes and is backed up by a Navy SEAL who claims that PDJT is literally correct in using that term.

Ponder that for a second.    

The main problem for the Lefties with PDJT’s sh*thole comment is that he’s 100% correct.  They know it, and they cannot stand it.  It truly is no more complicated than that.

Meanwhile they have to treat AlGore like parents who humor their 4 year old son who has an imaginary friend.  Instead of telling little Johnny that his “friend” Rocky can’t come over for dinner tonight because his mom called and said Rocky isn’t going anywhere until his sh*thole of a room is picked up, mom just puts an extra plate at the table.

For the Lefties it seems, it’s just easier to deny reality and cover for Lefty criminals and dumbazzes than face up to the truth and break the sad news to their fellow travelers of what a total bunch of BS they have been fed for the last 40 years. 

The Dopes now have so many empty place setting their dinner table looks like da Vinci's Last Super without Jesus and the loyal 11.

Wiley E. Coyote has got PDJT again…wait no he doesn’t
Apparently, whatever the amount of “hush money” that was allegedly paid, it was enough.

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