Monday, January 08, 2018

Who are the "unstable" ones?

The Demo-Dopes declare that PDJT is mentally unstable and unfit to be the leader of the United States and the free world.  PDJT has declared himself to be a very stable genius. 

Who should we believe, the party that pinned its hopes and dreams in the 2016 election on an old, lying, thieving, rape enabling hag, a seasoned politician, who they poured a billion plus dollars into, rigged the primary for her and literally had to prop up for months or the “unstable” guy who handedly beat her extra wide azz like a drum?

Who should we believe, the party that that couldn’t crack 3% economic growth for a single quarter in eight years, or the guy who has the economy roaring?

Who should we believe, the party that sat back tying the hands of the American military with BS rules of engagement, getting God only knows how many of them killed and maimed, while the ISIS caliphate became reality and spread across Syria and Iraq or the “unstable” guy who has fundamentally destroyed ISIS in that region and reduced its “caliphate” to a series of redoubts?

Who should we believe a party that thinks screaming in anger at the sky in protest on the one year anniversary of the election is a useful exercise, or the “unstable” guy who laughs at the exercise?

Who should we believe the lying press, caught in lie after Lie after lie (fake news if you prefer) or the “unstable” guy they have targeted with 93% negative stories for his first year in office?

Who should we believe, the party that represents a group of people who have been in a perpetual state of unhinged rage for a year or the “unstable” guy who in spite of all of the animosity directed at him from every angle has continued undaunted to MAGA?

PDJT is living rent free inside the heads of these Lefty Lib azzbags.  He knows it.  They don’t.  That’s why he can send them into shock and rage in a 140-280 character tweet.

Lex pointed out after DJT took his now famous escalator ride, that anyone who underestimates him does so at their own peril.  The guy is – at a minimum – a street savvy brawler.  It has been proven by a score or more political “experts” that it is difficult to successfully label or brand PDJT.  He does the labeling and branding. It is difficult to outwork or out hustle PDJT.  While Shrillda the Hutt was being throw into a van like a side of beef by her security detail after collapsing, DJT was making 6 campaign stops a day.

DJT survived and thrived in the one the most difficult business environments on Earth.  He is in himself a brand associated with “the biggest” or “the best” or “the most expensive” or “the most luxurious” EVER!  Even if what he selling is none of those things he proudly puts his name on his product.  There’s an old adage any man that is willing to put his name on his business or product probably has a great deal of faith in it.

PDJT is different for sure.  That’s what got him elected.  Until he shows up to a press conference in his underwear, Trump underwear no doubt, I will assume he’s not crazy.   

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