Thursday, July 05, 2018

PDJT for the joy of it nominate Amy Coney Barrett

Riddle me this batman.  The left swears that, even though any number of the investigators looking into crooked Shrillda the Hutt’s e-mail and PDJT’s collusion had/have a clear bias for one candidate and a clear animus toward another that the neither the bias for nor the animus against either influenced the investigations in any way.  They compartmentalized all their personal feelings and conducted a thoroughly professional investigation.  Riiiiiiight. 

On the other hand they swear the Amy Coney Barrett cannot apply the law correctly and equally because, egad man, SHE’s A CATHOLIC!!!

SCOTUS picks are not like college football.  It’s more like curling in that I don’t have a favorite team and don’t really understand the fundamentals of the game. It is like college football in one aspect, no matter what else happens, if Meatchicken gets beat there is a glimmer of joy in the day.

With that in mind, Amy Coney Barrett drives the Lefty Libs so near the edge, she’s got to be a solid choice.

I’d nominate her in the hope/knowledge tha the Dopes dump on her and expose themselves as the azzbackward racist, anti-American, anti-Catholic/Christian bigots and hypocrites that they are and drive the vote in November.       

The already unhinged Left is becoming more unhinged as PDJT shapes the courts that heretofore the Dopes have relied upon to make law that they could never pass because of their failure at the polls. They are just cracking up and breaking down, to the extent that it’s non-violent and doesn’t include Maxine Waters* type threats – it’s wonderful.

*NOTE to Dopes:  If low-IQ Maxine Waters is the new face of the Demo-Dope Party, they look like a baboon’s ass.

Are the Dopes suffering a near-death experience due to Trump Derangement Syndrome?  Yes they are.  Here’s exhibit A: Richard Painter.  Painter is often described by MSM/Dopes as a “lifelong Republican”*.  He’s running for the Senate in MN as Demo-Dope.

*NOTE: How can one be a “lifelong Republican” and still run as a Demo-Dope?  Is he dead?

Painter took after Barrett on twitter.  The facts are here. 

What a dopey Dope.  I’m barely qualified to comment on things religious outside my own personal experience. Painter thinks Barrett belongs to a “cult” because she’s part of a small Christian group called “People of Praise”.  The group supposedly demands a “lifelong” loyalty pledge and uses terms like “head” and “handmaid” when referring to the husband – wife relationship.

Unless they kill people who don't show up to meetings I question the loyalty pledge.  

As for the "head" and "handmaid" I direct you Ephesians 5 21-29.  One of the most misunderstood controversial - for some - passages in the Bible because of the verse 22. “Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as the Lord.”  The women’s lib movement, and males with their hair in a man bun faint dead way at that.  They ignore the preceding verse: “Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ.”  Or what comes after in verse 23, “Husbands love your wives…” 

As Fr David Mary once explained, “Men! Do you know what that means?  It means, you have to DIE for her. Love is subordination.”  

When I saw the above article and went to look at Painters twitter page.  Check it out.  It is a picture into the Lefty Lib's vacuous demented mind.  

I could not find one thing positive.  You’d think it would be loaded up with tweets like, “Just met East Backtoven women’s group.  Lovely ladies.  Great day.  Great cookies and coffee.  Thank you.”  Nothing of the sort.  It’s just one sour grapes nasty post after another.  I sent him a tweet:  Your feed reads like one long descending rant.  Is there no joy in your life?

No there isn’t.  PDJT has bores more deeply into the Lefty Lib collective than the Borg on Star Trek the Next Generation.

So PDJT, please, please, please nominate Barrett for the joy of watching Painter’s head explode.

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