Friday, July 27, 2018

Today's JG rant

Re Jeffery McCann’s letter “Christian wants freedom to selectively discriminate” of Jul 26, 2018     
Since Mr. McCann chooses to paint Christians with a rather broad and negative brush, my guess is that he may not understand Christian values.  Chief among those values is the notion that we love the sinner, but hate the sin. 
The LGBT cake baking brouhaha is not about rejecting people.  It’s about rejecting sin.  It’s not about homophobia.  It’s about theology.  
Like a good many of today’s frustrated, angry and humorless Leftist, McCann might reside at the junction of arrogance, ignorance and intolerance. 
Only a rare strain of arrogance would allow someone to state unequivocally that another “does not walk with God.” To make that claim of another publicly on the pages of the JG passes arrogance and, if anyone on the Left were capable of shame anymore, is shameful. 
Only willful ignorance allows someone to argue that all sins and sinners are equal.  The sinner who lies, telling his wife that those jeans don’t make her backside look big, is substantially different from the one who is having an affair with the neighbor’s wife.  Does McCann really think that the man will demand a cake celebrating his adultery? Does McCann really believe that the baker will bake it? 
Only that kind of arrogance and ignorance can combine to create the kind of intolerance commonly found on the Left today – intolerance in the name of tolerance. 
In McCann’s world Jews and Muslims should be forced to violate their religious beliefs by being required to serve him ham sandwiches, because refusing to do so would demonstrate intolerance.  So instead of being tolerant of their religious beliefs and walking a block to another vendor, McCann prefers to ruin their lives by suing them. Everyone must be tolerant of McCann, but he is under no obligation to reciprocate. 
This is not about getting a cake baked.  It is about intolerant fascists like McCann forcing you to violate your religious beliefs in the name of his intolerant oddball idea of tolerance.

Note to editors:  What a dopey headline for McCann’s letter.  Discrimination by definition is “selective”.  Given the asinine headlines you’ve placed over a couple of my own letters, McCann’s headline, sadly, is not surprising.

Christian wants freedom to selectively discriminate
This is in response to Beth Watts' ridiculous letter to the editor July 18 headlined “Stand up for God.” She claims to be a Christian and “needs to speak up for God.” What is strange is her railing against the LBGT community and her inability to do and say what she believes. She does not rail against murderers, rapists or people who commit adultery – she only mentions the LBGT community.
If she truly wants to take a stand in the name of God and hide behind religious freedom, then she needs to treat all sinners in the same manner. She, like most so-called Christians or people who believe they are Christians, feel they can select what they want to follow and believe. Here is a news flash – that is not following the word of God.
If, under the disguise of religious freedom, they do not want to bake a cake for a gay couple, then likewise they should not be serving anyone who has committed adultery, a pathological liar or anyone who has sinned against the word of God. She wants to be selective, but that practice falls under discrimination, not an assault on her religious freedom.
Miss Watts wanting to inflict her beliefs on me is infringing on my rights and religious freedoms. She wants to be judge and jury.
Miss Watts may think she is a Christian, but she does not walk with God.
Jeffrey McCann

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