Friday, July 06, 2018

PDJT kills it in MT provides view into midterm 2020 campaigns

PDJT came on FNN at 6 pm last night and in a campaign style rally for MN Republican Senatorial candidate Matt Rosendale lit up the Dopes in general and sitting Dope Senator Jon Testor in particular.  It was great.  I was laughing my azz off.  Mrs. Lex was not present so I could not judge how normal people might have received the speech.

I was hooked early on when PDJT told crowd that Boob Nifong Mueller’s hoax only exists because, “we kicked their azzes.”

My sense is that the Dopes are in serious trouble for the midterms.  PDJT has named their new leader, the face of the Demo-Dope party if you will, as the Low-IQ, Maxine Waters, “she’s somewhere in the mid-60s”.   So as people continue to be assaulted and hassled in public places by the mobs that Max Low IQ called for, people are not going to want to be associated with a party that encourage 30 year old thugs to visit violence upon teenagers.

As the Demo-Dopes try to walk back the abolish ICE meme they started, they are finding out that it’s too late.  Their rabid base has taken the bait and run with it.  The spark they lit hit the mountain of tinder that is their unhinged base, and now they look like a bare foot bum trying to stamp out a California wild fire.   

Another lefty loon PDJT rolled in on was the idiot who shut down the Statue of Liberty for thousands of visitors on the 4th of July.  The one “abolish ICE” nitwit decided to climb the base of the statue ruining the day for everyone.  One unhinged Lefty Loon azzbag ruins the day for 1,000s of families and the Lefty Libs cheer.  I’m unwoke enough to think that’s a problem for the Dopes.

PDJT praised first responders and noted he wouldn't have gone up there to get the woman.  He'd have put up a net and waited.  That's as good plan as any for such creepy people.  

So PDJT says, “We support ICE.  The Dopes support MS-13.”  That’s a pretty clear choice. According to one poll, immigration is now the #1 issue among voters.  Hmmm, where have we seen that before?  How’d it work out for the Dopes?

PDJT was bipartisan basher. He nailed Bush 41, “What the hell is a 1,000 points of light?  I like Make America Great Again.”  He also nailed John McCain* for his vote in support of Robertscare after saying for years he’d vote to repeal it.

*NOTE:  John McCain, like all of us, is still dying.  Apparently, he’s too sick to work, but he thinks so highly of himself that he believes his not showing up for work is better representation for the state of AZ than resigning and letting someone who can actually do the job.

While we’re at it, will McCain torpedo PDJT SCOTUS pick by not showing up or will he make a heroic trip and crawl onto the senate floor to cast the deciding vote for the pick?  Sadly, we have no idea.  In a nutshell, that’s always been the problem with John McCain.  He’s so happy “to cross the aisle” sometimes he doesn’t get back to the right side for important votes. 

PDJT is hanging the survival of Robertscare around McCain’s neck in effort to get him on the right side of the SCOTUS vote or go down in history as just another unhinged leftist d-bag.    

Then PDJT rolled in on fake Indian Heap Big Chief High Cheeks - aka Lizzy Warren - who based her claim of American Indian heritage due to her high cheek bones.  I have brown eyes.  Does that make me African American?

PDJT said if he ran against High Cheeks in 2020, at the first debate he’d offer one million dollars to charity if Warren would take a DNA test.  That’s must see TV.  Let’s all get out and vote for High Cheeks in the Dope primary so we can see that moment.

Then PDJT told the crowd to get their azzes out and vote.  Oh the humanity!! The political class is up in arms over that mild vulgarity.  Hint for the whiners.  That kind of talk is not directed at you.  It’s directed at simpletons like Lex.  Hint #2:  There’s 10,000 times more of us than whiners like you. PDJT is going where the vote are.     

PDJT is going to pull this midterm thing off.  Dopes are helping.  So as always, Republicans would be wise to ride the Trump tiger.

New EPA chief same as the old EPA chief
The Lefty Libs howled like banshees because Scott Pruitt was so effective at dismantling The Empty Suit’s economic crippling EPA regulations.

Scott Pruitt has committed political suicide.  Apparently he’s too dumb, tone deaf, something to stop doing stupid stuff.  So he’s gone.  The Left rejoiced – right?  No.  The Deputy EPA guy – Andrew Wheeler – is worse than Pruitt according the perpetually aggrieved Left.

The EPA Administrator is like SCOTUS in one regard.  The Dopes will oppose anyone PDJT nominates for the position.

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