Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Shocker, PDJT hung out with and was possibly shook down by beautiful women!!!

Does anyone find it funny that the Lefty Libs (Wily E. Coyote) think that they have finally got PDJT (The Roadrunner) because there is a tape of him negotiating the payoffs of Playboy bunnies and porn stars with his lawyer?? 

First off, I’m pretty sure that we knew that The Donald was never going to be up for the Puritan of the Year award before we voted for him.  The guy has graced the cover of tabloids with this gal or that, been married 3 times and divorced twice, he been a “player” for 40 years.  I’m not sure the conversation on the tape about getting in front of a scandal is going to be the deathblow for PDJT.  If they get that kind of dirt VP Pence, then they’ll have something.

Next, how can the Lefty Libs get bent out of joint with PDJT’s exploits when, whether true or not, they involve consensual liaisons with adult women? Billbo Billyboy Clinton raped and groped his way through his public life when he wasn’t using the White House staff as his private escort service.

As long as Billbo is exempt from the scorn of the “me too” crowd, PDJT will roll along pretty much unscathed with a laminated “get back to me on that when you deal with Billbo” card*.

*NOTE:  The Clinton’s need to be careful.  As their usefulness to the Dope Party diminishes so does Billbo’s immunity from being a letch. As the Dopes swing further and further to the left the Clintons become more and more irrelevant.  When they are thought be a detriment (20 years ago for most of us) among the socialist wing of the Dope Party the more willing the Dopes will be to throw Billyboy and his Sac-O-Crap wife overboard.

Then there’s the whole seedy nature of how the tape was obtained.  Boob Nifong Mueller raided PDJT’s lawyer's office and took tapes that were possibly illegal to make. So you have Shrillda the Hutt’s lawyers getting immunity and are allowed to sit in on the Hutt’s interview and PDJT's lawyer getting raided and charged with crimes.  Most people can see BS in that equation.

Last, had the Dopes not been dumping everything they had on PDJT since inauguration day, some of this stuff might have mattered.  The Boy Who Cried Wolf is not the right reference.  First off, the Left would object to the gender specific nature of the title.  So, it’s out on those grounds.  Second the Boy didn’t cry wolf every 10 minutes, 24-7 for 18 months.  That’s not a trick.  That's just annoying.

It’s more like white noise.  Like the neighbor mowing his lawn.  You know it’s there.  You go about your business as if it isn’t, turn up the TV, speak a bit louder, and just go about your day as best you can.  You eventually get used to noise and only notice it when the neighbor shuts the lawn mower down.

The Demo Dopes are only going to noticed when unlimited supply of hate for this president and the US is set aside for some policy that matters. Right now the ONLY Dope policy that the Dopes have is “WE HATE PDJT”.   

Ol’ Speck has apparently turned on the air conditioning in hell
FLASH!  FLASH!! FLASH!!! A fit of common sense descended onto the 9th Circus Court yesterday.  The Circus Court actually sided with the 27 plain words of the #2A.  The court allowed that Hawaiians have the right to openly carry a weapon in public in Hawaii. 

To be honest, I’m a bit suspect when I see someone open carry.  Why is this guy packing at the Menards? But then, you never know.   I prefer concealed carry, but Hawaii is a “may permit” state that in actuality is a “never permit” state” so open carry is essentially what is left, and I do believe that an armed society is a polite society. 

Open carry is not my thing but this decision is sure to PO all of the right people, so I like it.

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