Monday, October 22, 2018

Bring congress back and make them vote on the caravan

After thanking the Mexican government several times for halting it, the caravan, now estimated to have reached 7,000+ Central American illegal aliens wanting to enter the US, has resumed.

PDJT has vowed to close the US – Mexico border and deploy the US military to stop the caravan. Unless the military is given permission to set up 10 miles on the Mexican side, what good is the military going to do?  The military will be constrained by the same BS laws as the Border Patrol – right?  So essentially, by sending in the military, we’re going to increase the Border Patrol by several 10s of thousands to catch and release the 7,000 invaders more efficiently once they enter the US. WTF?  That’s not the answer.

If the Mexican government does not immediately stop the caravan, PDJT should call for congress to return to Caligula, D.C. to deal with BS their laws. This would be a great boon to Republican challengers to have their BS Demo-Dope pols pulled off the campaign trail to deal with a problem of their own making.  It would also get the cowards on record on this issue prior to the election.

The session should be for a single issue – fixing immigration.  The law should end chain migration, require employer to use e-verify, stiffen penalties for hiring illegals, pass Kate's law requiring minimum sentencing for illegal alien felons, total funding for the wall, ends visa lottery for merit based visa program, ends catch and release, allows migrants including “families” to be held indefinitely until their case can be heard.  An indefinite hold would act as its own deterrent because none of the violators’ are not going to want to spend time cooling their heels in a detention center instead accessing the American welfare system which, if they do, should be cause for immediate deportation.

Bring congress back and make them vote.  The Demo-Dopes will sh*t themselves.

Today’s JG rant
Re Tom Hayhurst’s letter, “Care privatization would hurt veterans” of Oct 22, 2018

It’s nice to know that Hayhurst and big government Democrats prefer that veterans die while waiting in line at the VA rather than being allowed to access life-saving private care.

The only parts of the VA “under assault by President Trump, and Jim Banks” as a result of the Veteran’s Choice Program are long waiting periods and rude, incompetent VA administrators.

Simply stated, Veterans choice program does not dismantle the VA.  Rather, the program allows veterans to receive private healthcare if they are unable to schedule an appointment at a VA clinic within 40 miles of their home within 30 days.  It is no more complicated than that.

I wonder if Hayhurst or the alert JG editorial staff know that the Veterans Choice Program passed the senate by unanimous consent and passed in the House of Representatives 414-0.   If they do, why write and publish a letter misstating the act's intent and then blaming PDJT and Rep Banks for the lie?  One thing is for sure, it could not be to float a fake news story or engage in total political hackery just before the mid-term – could it.  Pfft, of course it could.

Care privatization would hurt veterans
Attention all veterans: the VA health care system is under assault by President Donald Trump, and Rep. Jim Banks is part of the problem.
The VA has been rated highly in several independent studies. VA health care providers have special knowledge in treating patients with conditions such as PTSD and Agent Orange exposure. Despite this, an effort is under way to shrink the VA hospital system and to force vets to obtain health care from the private sector. Last year, Trump fired VA Secretary David Shulkin because Shulkin was actively opposing VA privatization. Banks supported this decision.
I served in the U.S. Air Force. A few years ago, I joined the successful effort to save Fort Wayne's VA hospital. Fellow veterans: Tell Banks to support our VA hospital and to end his and Trump's efforts to “privatize” the VA.
Tom Hayhurst
Fort Wayne

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