Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Left intent on ruling by any means necessary

Taking a page from the Low IQ Maxine Waters’ book of advocating violence against your political foes, Shrillda the Hutt pointed out the obvious:  Demo-Dopes have no intention of playing nice with Republicans as long as the Dopes are on the outside looking in with regard to who controls the levers of power in Caligula, D.C.  The ginormous azzbag said:

"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again." 

Take notice of the word "cannot".  There's no call  to try to find common ground.  There's no appeal to work across the aisle.  There's no idea that we're all American and in that we can work on somethings together.  No.  None of that.  Instead she believes that, "You cannot be civil..." 

Okay Shrillda, what does that incivility include?  Does it include shooting congressmen practicing baseball?  Does it include assaulting a sitting senator while he cuts his grass?  Does it include all of the vile threats to elected Republican government officials and THEIR FAMILIES?  Does it include AntiFa violence? Does it include the heckler’s veto of the free exchange of ideas on campus? 

But don’t worry Mr. & Mrs. America.  We can avoid all of this if we just give into the mob and let the Dopes control the government again.  That’s right.  Shrillda the Hutt makes it publicly known and clear as a bell what the extortionist’s price is.  It’s right out there for all to see.  “This is a nice little republic you have here.  It’d be a shame if liberal mobs just started beating everyone up.” 

Once they are back in power, the mob won’t be breaking the law anymore, because the Dope azzbags will codify their incivility into law. Target groups, read Republicans, will be designated hate groups justifying violence against them.  The government will in essence be issuing the mob “It’s OK punch Republicans” signs.

There is absolutely no downside for the Dopes to advocate violence against their political foes.  Are Republican activist likely to retaliate?  No.  First, because we have jobs and do not need to be hired as paid protesters.  Second, no one our side would make an offer to pay for such activities.  Three, we seem to have some minimal respect for the law and civility that is not present on the other side.

Several posts under, Lex poses the question: Dopes, have you considered that when you’re done tearing the country apart, there’ll be nothing left to govern if you ever do come back to power?

Well it’s becoming clear that Dopes have no intention of governing. They want to rule.  There's a huge difference. It is becoming clear that if the Dopes cannot gain control of the levers of power through the ballot box they will quite happy to do it through violence and intimidation. 

Now, if you think you can reason with this mob, check this out.  This is what we’re up against.  Clueless azzbags intent on deconstructing the country. 

My advise, as always, is to buy more ammo and another gun.

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