Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Left attributes own characteristics to its enemies

In the post under Lex sent thank you’s to those responsible for the Kavanaugh confirmation.  I was remiss in not sending a big fat Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to Harry the roach Reid who took the expedient rout of changing senate rules to pack lower courts with The Empty Suit’s nominees.  So thanks roach.  For the record, I think you did the right thing.

Today’s JG rant
I guess this is where we will be for a few days – unhinged leftist dopes acting like unhinged leftist dopes. Today’s was particularly amusing as the letter writer attributes every trait and characteristic displayed by the left during the Kavanaugh brouhaha to Kavanaugh himself.  Weird huh.  So here we go.

Re Patricia G. Stahlhut’s letter, “In hearing, Kavanaugh showed he was unfit” of Oct 9, 2018.     

Is it Nov 8th, 2016 again?  No.  It just feels like it. 

Take Patricia G. Stahlhut’s letter…please.  After the Left began the Kavavnaugh hearings with tantrums from their senators which include a fake war hero, an admitted groper of women who hilariously thinks he’s Spartacus, a senator who calmly compared our men and women in uniform to Nazis, Soviets or members of the notorious Pol Pot regime, a senator who kept a Chinese spy in her employ for 20 years while her husband made millions in China, a first term senator who thinks she’d make a great president – where have we seen that flawed logic before, a racist, misandrist senator who thinks anyone who disagrees with her, particularly white men, should “shut up” et al.  

Once the crybabies had cried themselves out, they turned the freak show over to their hired mob.  The angry mob behaved like addicted howler monkeys who were denied their daily fix of meth.  When they weren’t emitting their primal guttural screams, they were chanting like creepy automatons led by an evil Svengali from some D rated 50s SiFi movie.   

When all that failed, the Demo-Dope clown army let loose a series of decade’s old totally uncorroborated charges against Kavanaugh that they hid for months.  The clown army insisted that one uncorroborated charge corroborated the other uncorroborated charges.

When that didn’t work, the mob claimed that Kavanaugh’s impassioned defense to the trumped up scurrilous charges was proof that he was unfit to sit on the court.  The Demo-Dopes spent two weeks flinging crap at Kavanaugh then the mob complained about how bad he smelled.

When that didn’t work, the mob played their big trump card: Kavanaugh allegedly threw ice on someone once in college. Oh the humanity!  

Well Ms. Stahlhut, let this sink in: Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. 

What’s that noise?  Is that someone screaming? Bwahahahah.   

In hearing, Kavanaugh showed he was unfit
In retrospect, the charges against Brett Kavanaugh had less to do with his fitness for the Supreme Court than his current actions did. His performance during the hearing showed him to be a petulant, whiny child given to outlandish pseudo-explanations of conspiracy theories and outright lies about being a moderate drinker even as his own diary and yearbook showed him to be otherwise.
Kavanaugh discarded his prepared opening statement and chose to rant and rave for 40 minutes while whining about the unfairness of the hearing, exhibiting general hysteria, and presenting sentimental pleas for people to believe he's a good man. He spent the entire hearing behaving as the bullying, entitled frat boy that he denies being.
A candidate for the Supreme Court must have a judicial temperament, meaning that whining, hysteria and self-serving lies have no place in the highest court in the land. As a justice, he will not be subjected to the intense personal scrutiny of his confirmation hearing, but he's proven that he has little control over his emotions when confronted with disagreement or unpleasantries. I believe rational people want the members of the Supreme Court to be levelheaded and deal with the law, not their own personal insecurities and perceived entitlements.
Regardless of the FBI investigation, Brett Kavanaugh has proven that he lacks the judicial temperament required of this position. The American Bar Association defines the obligation this way: judicial temperament means that a judge exhibits “compassion, decisiveness, open-mindedness, sensitivity, courtesy, patience, freedom from bias and commitment to equal justice.” Brett Kavanaugh fails to meet the conditions of judicial temperament.
Patricia G. Stahlhut
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The letter of P. Stahlhut misses the real point. This was not about Kavanaugh. As senators said after Kennedy announced his retirement they would oppose Trump's nominee. A few hours after Judge K was announced as the nominee the Dem senators said they would not vote for Judge K. The Dem senators were "petulant" and of poor "temperament". This has never been about Judge K. He was collateral damage done by a dying political party. What happened with this national disgrace done by the Dems is another symptom of a political party radicalized.They have been losing elections en masse for the last eight years. Dems winning in 2018 is a pipe dream. Will we see good temperament then. No way. We will see crazy on steriods.