Thursday, October 25, 2018

Fake "bombs" = fake crisis = Demo-Dope dirty trick ahead of the midterm

I did not send the crude explosive devices to high visibility Demo-Dopes and supporters.  I do not know who did.  As such, I can offer no accurate insight into the motives of the “bomber”.

That puts Lex in step with about 99.99999999999% of the people in the world. For some reason that has not stopped a long list Demo-Dopes and their sycophant army of “journalists” all of whom have heaped blame on PDJT in particular and Republicans in general.

So here’s what we know:
Eight bombs were sent.
The targets were all high profile Demo-Dopes.   
None of the bombs detonated.
Idiots blame PDJT.

That’s pretty thin gruel upon which to make such fantastic accusations against PDJT.  Thinner even than the Crazy Creepy Dr. gal’s accusations against Justice Kavanaugh and certainly thinner than the criminal liar Swetnick’s gang rape charges against Kavanaugh, but this how the Dopes run these days.

Given the paucity of facts, it’s foolish to speculate on who the bomber is or what his motives might be.  I only use the word “his” because - let’s face it men – there’s a 99.9% chance the perp is male, because women do not typically deal in such things and would not risk a fingernail chip working with needle nose pliers.

Since CNN deals in speculation, let me go on CNN on make the case that the “bomber” has to be a Dope.  Here’s the argument:

None of the bombs detonated*.  It’s not even known if the devices were capable of detonating.  What more evidence do we need that the “bomber” is Dope?  Nothing the Dopes deal in ever works. So the bombs are consistent with Dope policies – total failures.

*NOTE:  In the future in order to be called a “bomber”, I think we ought to establish a rule that at least one bomb has to detonate, otherwise it’s the work of a “failed bomber”.   

Look at the targets: 
What Republican wants to get rid of the gift that keeps on giving – Shrillda the Hutt?  No we cannot stand the b*tch, but she’s electoral gold for us.  Even Dopes cannot stand her, and she figuratively drives Republicans to the polls.  We hope she lives forever and just keeps on talking.
Why would a Republican target a brain dead idiot like Low IQ Maxine Waters??  We love to watch while she struggles, searching in vain for a coherent thought.

In the age of #METOO why we would want to bomb Billyboy Billbo Clinton?  Any time #METOO comes up the Republican auto response is – “Where were you when Billbo was raping and groping his way through public life?”
The Empty Suit? Please.  O’Doofus reminds me of Mr. Cook once telling me that a certain neighbor wasn’t worth the 50 cents it would take blow his head off with a .45.  So it is with TES.  Every time he tries to take credit for the economy, you can hear the entire country guffaw.

Failed former AG Eric the wad Holder?  As the caravan approaches, the Wad is the perfect juxtaposition to Dope’s open border policy.

CNN?  Bwaaaaaahahahahaha.  The dead cat and paint drying networks have more viewers.

In short, not one of the targets – even Soros is a worthless target unless you can blow up his money - is better for the Republicans to have dead rather than alive.

The “bombs”.  Who the hell made these things?  They look like something Wily E. Coyote, Ahmed the clock boy or the prop department at a high school drama club might come up with. Here’s a more effective bomb:

The delivery system.  WTF?  A soft side mailer envelope?  YGBSM?  A cigar box was just too hard to come by? The only thing that would have made it more obvious is if the mailer envelope had a window where you could see the device without actually opening the envelope.

Timing.  2 weeks before the mid-term?  There are few true coincidences in life.  This is just way too convenient.   

Who benefits?  Well clearly the Dopes. The gag has flipped the script on the Mob Vs. Jobs meme the has become effective for PDJT and Reps.  It has also chased the “caravan” - aka illegal alien mob - from the front pages.

This thing has the smell of Duke Lacrosse, UVA rape, mattress girl feel to it.  Fake BS.  Like when a waitress at a restaurant produces a check with a racist comment at the bottom.  How often do those turn out to be the work of the waitress herself after she gets a couple grand from a gofundme page?

Prediction:  I think the Dopes, by their inflammatory rhetoric, have brought this on themselves from one of their own.  When the perp is caught, his defense will be that it was a joke. Look at the devices.  Of course it’s a joke. 

Russia failed. Stormy failed. Ford failed. Khashoggi failed. The MOB failed. Now what? Send bombs to ourselves & blame Trump.      

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