Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Are Dopes and Boob Nifong Mueller willing to risk civil war to get PDJT? Yes.

This is about the time of the year when I turn off all news and enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year.”  It’s impossible this year.  Dope hatred of all things Trump will not allow civilized people live ordinary lives even at Christmas.  It’s all – get PDJT – all the time. The sun rises in the east, and Morning Joe wonders how it will affect the impeachment proceeding on PDJT.

The Dopes are downright giddy with excitement at the Cohen indictment and sentencing and how it will corner PDJT.  This is a never ending Road Runner cartoon.

My honest advise Boob Nifong Mueller, Dopes and #NEVERTRUMPers is: Be careful what you ask for you might get it.  They all think that they have PDJT dead to rights. Just like the Patriots thought they were 8 seconds away from a certain win last Sunday.  Then sh*t happened.
PDJT is sitting atop a mountain of information that could serve to expose the deep state and bring down any number of deep state azzbag on both sides.  Consider this one point.  The congress of the United States has doled out over $17 million in taxpayer money used for hush payments to cover up congressional sex misconduct and harassment.  What do you suppose will be the first question to any member of congress supporting impeachment? “Have you ever been accused of sex harassment?”  Followed by, “Have you ever settled a sex harassment case using taxpayer dollars?”

So the same body holding impeachment proceedings for PDJT making hush money payments will no doubt be riddled with azzbag members who themselves have made hush money payments.  The huge difference will be that PDJT used his own damn money while the azzbags used your money.

Now consider the plethora of embarrassing and criminal activities PDJT knows about via classified memos on everything from illegal FISA filings by the FBI to Shrillda the Hutt’s illegal campaign finance shenanigans with regard to the fake dossier; from exposing the lies of deep state spooks like Shape Shifter Comey, lying Jimmy the fib Clapper and Jonny the red Brennan to the uncovering of American citizens by deep state sh*ts like Sammy the tool Power; from lying Barry The Empty Suit who claims not to have known about Shrillda the Hutt’s private server to the papers covering up Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, CIA spying on Americans and particularly American media figures et al. 

Does the deep state really believe that PDJT is going to sit quietly by and let the azzbags ruin him without a fight?  They should call dumb as a rock lazy as hell Rex Tillerson, low energy Jeb!, and crooked Hillary and ask them what happens when you poke the sleeping Donald.

Last, the deep state sh*theads ought to consider what is happening in Paris.  Does the deep state actually believe that they can remove PDJT and overturn an election based on BS charges of paying hush money gold digging porn stars? Something that, if we didn’t already know, we at least strongly suspected. Really?

Do the deep state excrement stains seriously believe that there won’t be civil unrest when they try to pull this coup? There will be marches and counter marches.  Given the violent nature of AntiFa fascists, there will be blood in the streets when the two sides meet. Is Boob Nifong Mueller really willing to risk civil war to oust PDJT on bogus charges?  Yes. I believe the anti-American deep state scumbag Nifong Mueller is willing to do just that.

So buy more ammo before prices skyrocket when the shooting starts.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not advocating for this, but it is what I think is entirely possible – maybe even likely.  Way to go Boob.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

What’s up with BREXIT?
Why does the EU have any say about how the UK leaves that dysfunctional BS union? Seems to me the UK ought to send an emissary to the EU with a simple message, “We’re out. If you don’t like it, F-you.  If you try to F with us, we’ll sink everything that floats leaving from an EU port until you get the message that we’re not F-ing around.  Got it?” 

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