Monday, December 10, 2018

Too many targets

Like an arcade shooting gallery, there are too many targets this morning.  Let’s go.

I’m not a lawyer.  I do not know what to make of Michael Cohen’s allegations against PDJT or the consequential jeopardy they place PDJT in.  I do know this.  If someone were making serious allegations against me – true or not – I’d hope that the alligator was a proven lying sh*t like Cohen.

How great would it be if the only guy who saw you take the bosses lunch from the office fridge was known to be a pathological liar like Cohen?

The liar:  “Doug took his lunch.  I saw him.”
Doug:  “Shut up Carl.  What the hell do you know about the office refrigerator?” 

The Liar:  “Why, I invented it.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.  I invented it in my basement and brought it in last week.”

Good luck Boob Nifong Mueller and the SDNY making a case when your chief witness is an indicted, convicted and sentenced to do a nickel for being a serial liar and who is on the record being on both sides of your BS case.  

The question Cohen cannot answer with any credibility: “Soooo, Michael were you lying when you said that PDJT was not aware of the payments, or are you lying now when you say PDJT directed the payments?”  

Pope Frankie the Red
To Dope Homer and his followers like Father Farinella, you are full of excrement.  The Holy Family were NOT migrants.  They were victims of an onerous government that forced them from their home requiring them to travel a great distant to another town in order to count them so that the government could more effectively tax them. 

This kind of BS is why, while, I trust in the Gospel, I do not trust the azzbags in the Catholic Church preaching it.  These turd merchants are political hacks in priest’s vestments. F-‘em all starting at the top with Dope Homer running through the USCCB and down to political boobs like Farinella.

These losers focus on climate change hoax and nation destroying mass migration so that the rudderless church can continue to ignore the elephant in the room – their horrible record with sh*t for brains predator priests. 

Seems to this layperson that the flock doesn’t give a shinola what the clergy thinks about a climate change hoax or mass migration while the clergy’s own house is in disorder.  Remove the log from your own eye Fr. Farinella before pointing to the speck in mine. Or as we say in the Marine Corps, F-off azzwipe.   

Dopes whine, Heather Nauert not qualified
BS!  Anyone who can say, “F**k you! You worthless PsOS” and is willing to say it multiple times a day is fully qualified to be America’s UN ambassador. 

Boob Nifong Mueller’s police state tactics
If the cops beat a suspect black and blue until he confesses, that confession is called coerced and thrown out of court.  If prosecutors bankrupts a suspect with legal bills, cost him his home and livelihood, threatens members of his family with endless legal proceedings and promise to throw him jail for the rest of his life for jaywalking, it’s called hardnose prosecutorial tactics and is perfectly legal.

One is as bad as the other in the world of legalese.  In the first case the guy beaten because he probably doesn’t have a pot pee in in and will get unlimited court appointed legal counsel.  What are they going to do with guy with nothing to lose?  Beat him until he confesses.  So it’s illegal.

A guy with means who enters the legal system doesn’t have to be beaten.  He will sing whatever tune prosecutors what him to sing to keep his family and home, and if not his family home, to keep his children being swept up in prosecutorial misconduct to get at him.

Boob Nifong Mueller is an enemy of the people and the Republic.  

Tillerson dumb as a rock and lazy as hell
Once when dissecting a company level tactical problem a TBS instructor our group, “Everyone is trying to be way too smart about this.  You have overwhelming fire superiority right now.  Don’t give the enemy a break by waiting for indirect fires, airpower, tanks, fires from the New Jersey, the Ontos platoon, the Calvary, whatever – just attack.  The point being any plan aggressively pursued and violently executed is better than sitting around waiting.”

I think PDJT is the personification of that approach. PDJT moves at the speed of business the azzbag deep state moves at the speed of vacillating government bureaucrats where it takes 2 years and a 15 million dollar study to figure out whether the toilet paper should be dispensed over or under the roll.

Tillerson made the mistake of thinking he could trash PDJT without consequence. I thinking is that Tillerson wasn’t so much trying to trash PDJT as restore his reputation after a failed stint as SecState. Now that Pompeo is proving Tillerson to have been, if not dumb as rock, at least lazy as hell during his stay at State.  So Rex had to come up with story that makes him look good.  He’s got not one thing to point as SecState so he fabricates a story of himself as the defender of law and order against a rouge PDJT.

The one question never asked Rex, “If all of that’s true why is Mike Pompeo running circles around your non-existent accomplishments?”        

Time to sh*tcan our relationship with Mexico and seal the border.
While Dopes, the MSM and the glitterati continue to wail over the death of Muslim Brotherhood supporter Jamal Kashoggi, journalist are becoming target #1 in Mexico without so much a Mexico sucks for letting all these journalists get killed.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

A priest is closing his church at a time of national crisis? At the celebration of Christmas? Stalin would be proud. Will he lockdown the church during Easter as well? He should have pursued an Italian govt job and not the preisthood.