Friday, December 14, 2018

From the top of the YGBSM file

The Feds supposedly are now investigating PDJT’s Inaugural Committee for, get this, illegal foreign donations for the purpose of gaining access to PDJT.  This is actually the best news PDJT could ask for. 

The hypocrisy of the Boob Nifong Mueller investigation is stunning enough to anyone paying attention. Nifong Mueller’s band of partisan weasels are being exposed daily as the biased hypocrite Bozos that they are. There’s all the evidence in the world that Shrillda the Hutt paid a former discredited British spy to collude with the Russians to compile a fake dossier to influence the 2016 election.  It’s all right under Nifong Mueller’s nose yet the BS artist cannot find it.

So as Nifong Mueller’s collusion/obstruction case against PDJT falls apart like a three foot Jenga tower the never say die #NEVRTRUMPers are targeting PDJT’s Inauguration Committee for peddling foreign influence.  So after 2 years of pulling out every stop to get PDJT and failing, the #NEVERTRUMP azzbags are now going after his Inauguration Committee. 

The average guy has to be yawning at this.  There has been a non-stop effort to get PDJT, this latest move for Americans has to be like trying to focus on a single snowflake falling to the ground during a blizzard.

There has been so much BS directed at PDJT since his famous escalator ride that this latest effort is seen as just more of the same.  It’s piling on.  It’s Dean Wormer’s underhanded means to shut down the Delta Tau Chi fraternity at Faber College. It’s Wyle E. Coyote’s never ending pursuit of the Roadrunner.

The “get Trump” mantra has never been more transparent than when NY Attorney General promised to use every law to probe PDJT AND, AND, AND his family.  YGBSM.  No she said it.  This is soooo Stalinist – show me the man and I'll find you the crime -  it’s frightening – or should be – to every free thinking American.  PDJT is the Lefty Loon’s Moby Dick.  We all know how that ended for Captain Ahab.

But watching some odd combination of Wyle E., Ahab, Dean Wormer, Jinx the cat, et al pursue the most consequential president for the good of America in my lifetime is like watching Oedipus Rex relentlessly pursue the murderer of his father all the time not knowing in the process he’s destroying himself. 

Piling on is one thing but the hypocrisy of the pilers is stunning.  The feds are going to investigate PDJT’s Inauguration Committee for influence peddling?  The greatest most transparent influence peddling machine in the history of the world was/is the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.  All you have to do is look at contributions to that fraudulent influence factory before Shrillda the Hutt got her fat azz kicked and after she got her fat azz kicked.  Everyone wanted in on the Crime Family Foundation then when Shrillda the Hutt’s billion dollar campaign when she was the odds on favorite.  The effort fell well short, donors became harder to find than the pickle on the National Christmas tree. 

That’s all the evidence anyone with a brain needs to know.  The money flowed into the Crime Family Foundation when the Hutt was the odds on favorite.  The money mysteriously dried up the day after the Hutt’s face was pushed into steaming pile of dog excrement on election night by President-Elect DJT. 

When the only influence the Hutt had to peddle was a long list of fall guys for her humiliating loss to a political novice, the Crime Family Foundation donors just went away.  Simple conclusion for people with brains:  No influence, no cash.

But self-awareness for the Wyle E.’s for the Dope party has never been in abundance.  For them hypocrisy is like the Emperor’s new suit.  They think they look wonderful.

Like white noise, at some point people become accustomed to it.  The public has totally adjusted to the non-stop BS efforts of #NEVERTRUMPers to bring down this president. One more effort is just so much more noise.   


1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I would advise the anti- PDJT to just leave the lid off the smelling salts for the next 6 years. To Lex's point, the daily wiltings resembling faked carbon monoxide accidents are now expected. The latest massive wilt this week is because Trump will shut down the govt over border security funding. So how does the planned coma crowd respond? They left the Potomac Cesspool and went home. Yep. Shut down. Two weeks before Christmas. So a big question here. If a resisting never Trump dope falls into a pre-planned coma-wilt at home and no one hears it, does he/she make a sound? Ammonia salts manufacturers must be working 24-7 to handle the demand.