Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Debate notes - its was a snoozer

Slow Joe Biden answered one question about his slacker doper son.  He claimed he and his son did nothing wrong.  In the aftermath, a Dope spinmeister was asked if that put an end to the matter.  The spinner did what sinners do, he spun.  “Well ya, the rest of the field didn’t pick up on it, and even Bernie Sanders quickly pivoted away.”

There you have it Mr. & Mrs. America, the Dopes don’t want to talk about it so it’s a non-issue.  Well PDJT has rally in Dallas on Thursday.  My guess is that for him the issue is not over.  My guess is that PDJT will hammer the ultimate Slow One and his thieving azzbag addict son for their weasel deals with Ukraine and China*. The only thing that will stop PDJT from hammering the slowest of slows – Slow Joe – is when he sinks to 3rd or 4th in Dope polls and is like the drunk at the party everyone is avoiding.  The drunk is the only one that doesn’t recognize he’s being shunned.

*NOTE:  Lebron came out in favor of a cocaine addict who had no background in finance and was booted from the Navy because he was always high walking away with a cool 1.5 billion from the ChiComs.  In Lebron speak, “Well hell yes, he take the money and keep his mouth shut.  That what Rocket man Morey should have done.  Take the money and keep his mouth shut.  That what I do.  Take the money and STFU.  I only speaks out when for social justice when there’s no risk to my overstuffed wallet.  Sos when da Chinese hand me - a high school graduate – a statement to read calling a MIT grad uneducated and misinformed, I reads it and takes the money.  Because they makes me a lot of money.  And of course Morey a dumbazz.  I makes a whole lot more money than him sos I have to be much smarter than him, right?” No Lebron you’re an ignorant, money grubbing, commie loving, anti-American douche.  GFY.

Speaking of spinning, Heap Big Chief Lies-A-Lot Warren refused answer weather or not her “we’ll make everything free” plan would raise taxes on the middle class.  Chief Lies-A-Lot kept saying cost for the middle class will go down.  That means, “Hell yes middle class taxes are going to go up.  They have to, because that’s where all the money is.  But if your taxes go up $10,000 and you use $10,001 in healthcare your costs go down.  See how it’s going to work?  If you’re healthy and don’t use the healthcare system much, well I suggest that you take up overeating, particularly red meat, smoking, vaping, skydiving, ride a motorcycle, and drive recklessly after drinking heavily.  Then your costs will go down as well.  But do it quickly, because when we’re in charge, none of that, and 10,000 other things, will be legal.”

Dopes all lined up to condemn PDJT for getting us out of a centuries old conflict in Syria.  They want US troops to secure Syria’s border with Turks while promoting open borders at home.  I never knew so many Dopes were pro war.  They called the Kurds our allies.  Well, countries have permanent interests.  They do not have permanent allies.  I remind the Dopes, we allied with the Soviet Union in WWII and then spent the next 60 years with them as our chief antagonist.  No one was saying we were “abandoning our ally” back then.  The Kurds have already chosen sides among the Russians and Syrian army for protection.  PDJT’s move has driven a wedge between the Turks and the Russians as the Turks threaten a Russian ally – Syria.  So it’s not all bad.  I’d also remind the Dopes it was Lil’ Barry The Empty Suit OB who got us into the mess in the first place.  After telling us 18 times he’d never put boots on the ground in Syria, he put boots on the ground in Syria.  How long should we stay? It may sound cold blooded, but let ‘em kill each other.  That’s what followers of the religion of peace do.

Cancer Heroes
One of my heroes, Alex Trebek, has offered the bad news that his pancreatic cancer has come back with a vengeance.  He worried about being the face of this disease because he couldn’t be the inspiration to so many who face such long odds.  I never looked at Trebek as having to soldier on to beat the disease.  He’s an inspiration by his example of positive thought and bringing tens of millions of dollars to the fight.  Few know Lex has the disease.  The world knows Trebek has the disease and they have opened their wallets to fight the it. He is a happy warrior.  His example gives so many of us hope.

I also give a hat tip to Ruth Bader Ginsburg who battled through 3-4 bouts of cancer.  Hell if she can do it at age 80 something how can the rest of us not fight the good fight?  

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