Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today's JG rant: Angry, scared and stupid is no way to go through life, losers

LeYuan Jame$

Just sayin'.  T-shirt available at Barstool Sports for $28.

Time for House Reps to grow a spine
If the senate isn't going to do anything to expose the Dope impeachment hypocrisy, house republicans should walk out of Dope hearings and conduct their own hearings in the open.  They should call all the same witnesses and interview them in public hearings that parallel the Dope kangaroo court. Why not?  

Today's JG rant
Re: Sharon Heckaman’s letter “Actions of president leave an unsafe feeling” of Oct 16, 2019

Stop the world Sharon Heckaman is scared and wants to get off.  I used to wonder how Dems with Trump Derangement Syndrome could wake up every morning mad as hell while living in the freest, most prosperous country in the history of the world that offers the most opportunity.  It’s crazy.  American are living longer than ever with a standard of living that is the envy of the world. The market breaks records every other day.  Unemployment is at a 60 year low.  There are 7 million job available and just 6 million workers available to fill them – meaning labor can bid up its services and it is.  Wages are rising for the time in 20 years.  Yet they wake up angry. Why?

Well it all started when they said PDJT removed the bust of Martin Luther King from the Oval Office.  That was fake news, but that was the beginning.  They’ve since tried and failed a dozen times to “get the president.”  Each failure increased their anger.  Now they are nothing more than unhinged seething mob willing to repeat any lie or make up their own “to get the president.” 

When Russian collusion hoax fell apart and architect Robert Mueller was proven to be a doddering senile old fool, after a good cry, the left’s anger grew and they were off to Ukrainian collusion hoax. When this effort blows up their faces, like another stick of Acme dynamite, the left will need psychiatric help to get over it.

We knew the left was mostly just an angry mob when on inauguration they took to the street to smash and burn anything and everything in sight. No Democrat leader challenged them to knock it off, so it continues to this day – anger galore. 

All that said, I’d rather be angry 24/7 than scared 24/7.  That’s where Heckaman is, scared.  My gosh how can a person live day to day being constantly scared?  At some point wouldn’t such a person become suicidal? 

Heckaman comes out from under the bedsheets where she hides every day long enough to pen a letter that starts, like all TDS letters, lying about PDJT lying.  She strings together long lists of negative adjectives and a longer list of Democrat talking points while ignoring PDJT’s myriad accomplishments. 

Heckaman cannot address a single issue and try to support it with logic and facts. So instead she, like all Dems with TDS frustrated at their inability to “get the president,” throws a bunch lies against the wall hoping something sticks. 

There’s a great line from Animal House when Dean Wormer tells Flounder:  “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to through life, son.”  So for all the Dems going on year three suffering TDS: “Angry, scared and stupid is no way to go through life, losers.”

Actions of president leave an unsafe feeling
There was a funny riddle in the comics on Oct. 6: “Q. Why can't you trust the King of the Jungle? A. He's always lion.” Paraphrased to reflect today's political scene: “Q. Why can't you trust the President of the USA? A. He's always lyin'.” Now it's not funny, it's appalling.
It's appalling there are still millions who believe and defend such a proven liar. From the beginning of Donald Trump's campaign, I saw a rude, infantile, ignorant, self-serving, vindictive, authoritarian hypocrite who wrote, spoke and acted as though he were all-powerful and above the law.
I do not feel safe with Trump as president. He speaks of his absolute power; he embraces and promotes conspiracy theories; he does not respect the Constitution and the powers of the three separate branches of government; he does not respect the environment, natural resources, clean air and clean water; he incites/condones violence; he does not respect the press or the First Amendment unless they agree with him; he condemns truthful but negative info about him as fake news; he is vulnerable to flattery by the world's dictators and strongmen and seeks to impress them by supporting them and divulging classified info; he is rude to and alienates our allies; he is exploding the deficit to the benefit of himself and the wealthiest Americans to the detriment of our children; he openly obstructs justice by withholding info, dangling pardons and invoking mob terminology; and much, much more.
And through it all he lies, lies, lies – about Mexico and the wall, tax reform, infrastructure, health care, the NRA and gun regulations, conversations with foreign leaders, draining the swamp, his mistresses and sexual assault history, using the office of the presidency to promote his properties and business interests, the size of his crowds, ratings – ad nauseam.
So in answer to a question, “Who can trust the lyin' wannabe King?” my answer is, “Not me.”
Sharon Heckaman
Columbia City

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